A little change never hurt

Julius and Damion continue tunneling underground out of the kingdom with Julius using his earth skill to dig through the ground. His molecular reconstruction skill to turn some of the stone into oxygen and his light skill so that it isn't pitch black.

Damion-"It's not too much farther is it?"

Julius-"We should be getting close now"

Damion-"Do you have a plan on where we will go after this"

Julius-"I have a multi step plan prepared"

Damion-"What steps are there?"

Julius-"Once we get out of this kingdom I'm going to get you a false name prepared so you can live a different life"

Damion-"But I like my name"

Julius-"They will search for you if you don't change it. Also, I want you to have these"

Julius stops his digging and prepares something for Damion.

Julius-"Special skill: molecular reconstruction"

Julius uses some of the stone from the tunnel walls to create two clear dome shaped objects with a picture of a blue eye on the front.

Damion-"What are these"

Julius-"They are contacts you can put them in your eyes to change their color. I can also make some green and brown ones for you too"

Damion-"Wouldn't there be an easier way to do this?"

Julius-"I could change your appearance with some magic but you wouldn't be able to change it without me. I didn't want you to be stuck not liking the eye color later"

Damion-"Why do I need a different eye color anyways?"

Julius-"In your file that I saw, red eyes and black hair were your defining features. So if you change those, it should be much harder for them to find you. Speaking of which, I will make you some hair dye too. Special skill: molecular reconstruction"

Julius again takes some stone from the tunnel walls around them to create a container of brown hair dye.

Damion-"There are people who can simply use a disguise skill which can be turned on and off instead of all of this"

Julius-"I expect that it would be easy for some people to see through disguise magic. Plus, I don't have that skill so this is a simpler solution"

Damion-"You know, there are some other prisoners you should let out too not just me"

Julius-"I'm aware but they will be easier to help so I'm focusing on helping you first"

Damion-"Why will helping them be easier?"

Julius-"With how minor some of their crimes are and how harshly they are being punished, I can get them out diplomatically with the help of higher ups in the adventuring guild"

Damion-"What about the tournament?"

Julius-"The higher ups at the guild will also be sure to shut that down"

Damion-"How can you be sure that they'll do all of that"

Julius-"I haven't met them myself, but from what I've heard they sound like nice people"

Damion-"What if they won't or can't shut it down"

Julius-"Then I will have to free them myself like I am with you"

Damion-"Why are you freeing me then instead of waiting to do it diplomatically"

Julius-"From what I heard, because you use dark magic you wouldn't be freed with the other innocent people like you"

Damion-"That's unfortunate"

Julius-"Yes I know-"

Damion-"Well for me"


Damion-"I didn't want you thinking that I thought it was unfortunate that it is easy to help everyone else"

Julius-"...I didn't think that"

Damion-"Oh... good"

Julius-"I thought you would be handling this differently"

Damion-"Do you want me to put on that make-up on now?"

Julius-"Yes, I'm sorry that you'll have to hide your appearance"

Damion-"It's fine"

Damion squirts some of the brown hair dye into his hands and begins rubbing his hands together.

Julius-"Not being able to be who you really are..."

Damion-"No problem"

Damion then begins rubbing the hair dye into his hair turning it from black to brown.

Julius-"I'm not trying to be a downer here it's just that..."

Damion-"I prefer to look at the brighter side of things"

Damion grabs the green contact lenses.

Damion-"This is the best thing that has happened to me in years, trivial stuff like my past shouldn't weigh me down now"

Julius-"I guess you got a point"

Damion places the contacts into his eyes and now has swapped from black hair with red eyes to brown hair with green eyes.

Damion-"Thank you, you're a real great guy you know"

Julius-"I appreciate that, let's keep tunneling out of here and once we are far enough outside of the kingdom I'll let you go on your way"

Damion-"You're not coming with me?"

Julius-"I'm sorry but no, I have other things to do. There are some other people I need to apologize to"


Julius-"Some, friends that I got mad at"

Damion-"Well, alright then"

Julius continues tunneling through the ground getting close to the kingdom walls.

A door swings open at high speed and three individuals rush through it.

Announcer-"(shouting) Urgent message coming through!"

The three individuals dash through a crowd inside the castle.

Aurora-"Do we need to be going this fast!?"

Guard-"The longer we take the farther they get away!"

The three of them arrive at a desk.

Announcer-"I must speak with the royal guard at once"

Receptionist-"Sir there is a line, and you are causing a disturbance"

Many of the people who were in line for various reasons such as reports, business purposes, taxes, etc, were all angry at the three of them for rushing past.

A guard comes up to remove the three of them.

Aurora-"This is an urgent matter!"

Receptionist-"Oh! Madam Aurora"

Aurora-"We have a message for the royal guard that must be given without haste!"

A look of worry starts to appear among some of the people in line.

Receptionist-"Very well then"

The receptionist has a guard open up a door for them so the announcer. Aurora and the guard that came with them rushed through the door.

Royal guards member-"What is this about"

Announcer-"An urgent message from the warden of the dungeon"

Royal guards member-"What is it?"

Announcer-"A prisoner escaped!"

Royal guards member-"Who?"

Announcer-"The curseborn!"

Royal guards member-"You let that thing escape!?"

The royal guard member stands up and stares at the announcer.

Announcer-"Well, not me there was a guard watching him and he beat up the guard"

The royal guard member turns his attention to the guard that came here with the announcer and Aurora.

Guard-"(worried) Not me, a different guard"

The royal guard member sat back down.

Royal guards member-"Can't you just track his location?"

Announcer-"We tried but his tracker wouldn't work"

Royal guard member-"Very well, I suppose I'll have to send in some specialists for this then"


Royal guard member-"Nothing you need to concern yourself with, return to the warden tell him you delivered the message"

Announcer-"Thank you sir"

The announcer and the dungeon guard left to return to the warden.

Aurora-"By 'specialists' who do you mean"

Royal guard member-"As I said to that other man it's none of your concern"

Aurora-"But I want you to tell me"

Royal guards member-"That's above your pay grade"

Aurora-"Surprising since I'm certain I get paid more than you"

Royal guard member-"Leave, now"

Aurora-"Fine, I'll be happy to be done with this situation, that warden had some nerve for sending me here anyway"

Aurora leaves and closes the door behind her. The royal guards member then grabs a small wooden object that looks like an instrument out of a drawer. The royal guard member then blows into the small wooden object like a flute but no sound is heard apart from a swoosh from the air he breathes into it.

A few moments pass and then a mirage appears behind the royal guard member distorting the wall behind him. A person steps out of the wavy surface and appears to be covered in ninja like attire.

Royal guard member-"Get some other members of the stealth devision and track them down"

The mysterious figure nods and then disappears the same as he appeared.

Royal guard member-"I don't know how the curseborn escaped but he won't be gone for long"

End of chapter 17.