A dark tale part 2

Warning(this chapter is darker than the previous chapters have been)

Young Damion is at school now and the bell just rang, it is the next day. 

Desmond-"Are you ready to head home Damion?"

Young Damion-"Hold on, I'm gonna try talking to those other students again"

Desmond-"Are you sure, I mean, they avoided you last time. Plus, father said you shouldn't try to be friends with them"

Young Damion-"They seem cool though"

Desmond-"Ok, well I'm going to head home. I'll see you later"

Young Damion-"Cya"

Desmond ran off to their house while Damion went to talk to the same group of three kids from the previous day. 

Young Damion-"Hello how are you to-"

Kid 1-"Hey Damion"

Young Damion-"(smiles more) You know my name"

Kid 2-"Of course we do, want to hang out for a bit"

Young Damion-"(happy) I would love to"

Kid 3-"Just follow us"

Young Damion followed the three kids down the street from the school, in the opposite direction of Damion's house.

Young Damion-"So, where are we going" 

Kid 1-"Just a little bit further"

The four of them turn into an alleyway. They then get up to a dead end.

Young Damion-"What are we doin-"

A fist from kid 2 flies into Damion's face causing him to fall over.

Kid 3-"Wow I don't believe it, he stopped talking for once"

Kid 2-"Thought he would never stop talking"

Kid 3-"I know right?"

Kid 2-"So how did that feel you weirdo"

Young Damion stands back up smiling.

Young Damion-"Is this a game"

The kids have faces of disgust. Kid 3 kicks Damion into the wall.

Kid 3-"That's why everyone says you're weird.

Kid 1-"Going around with your creepy smile, trying to talk to everyone no matter how much we avoid you"

Young Damion-"The only reason you were doing that though was because you didn't know I was better than you"

Kid 1-"What did you say"

Young Damion-"It's like my brother said, anybody who doesn't want to be my friend is dumb, but I knew you guy's weren't dumb so of course you want to be my friends"

Kids 2 and 3 begin punching Damion again while pushing him up against the wall.

Kid 2-"You think your better than us huh"

Kid 3-"And you think we are stupid for not wanting to be your friends"

Kids 2 and 3 stop punching Damion and he stumbles forward from the wall.

Young Damion-"Wait, you don't want to be my friends?"

Kid 1-"You thought we still did?"

Young Damion-"Well you brought me all the way here and are playing this game with me"

Young Damion smiles at them clearly not minding the pain despite now having bruises all over his body and bleeding from his nose.

Kid 2-"You really are creepy"

Kid 3-"This guy is seriously messed up"

Kid 1 pushes kids 2 and 3 aside.

Kid 1-"You think this is a game huh"

Young Damion-"Is it not?"

Kid 1-"No it's... yes, yes it is a game. It's called how many times can we hit you until you leave us alone"

Young Damion-"We are playing a game, yay this is so exciting"

Young Damion is now super excited.

Kid 1 grits his teeth.

Kid 1-"So none of that mattered to you huh, well then maybe I need to put some more effort it"

Kid 1 held out his hand to Damion.

Kid 1-"Lightning skill: thunderbolt"

Electricity shoots out from a yellow magic circle in front of kid 1 and electrocutes Damion sending him flying back into the wall again.

Kid 2-"Are you sure using magic isn't going too far"

Kid 3-"You could kill him"

Kid 1-"He asked for it"

Young Damion stands back up.

Young Damion-"This game is super fun"

Kid 3-"He still thinks this is a game!?"

Young Damion-"Of course it is, if it wasn't he would have hit me with a stronger skill than that"

Kid 1-"(enraged) A weak skill huh!?"

Kid 1 set up another yellow magic circle.

Kid 2-"Seems like you can really take a hit"

Kid 3-"I think it's time you learned your place, if you really think you're better than us than this won't hurt at all"

Kid 1-"Lightning skill: Thunderbolt!"

Kid 2-"Fire skill: Fire ball!"

Kid 3-"Earth skill: Boulder launch"

The three kids continue to use their skills to attack Damion. A few minutes pass.

The three kids are now very exhausted and sweating.

Kid 1-"There is no...(exhausted breath) way!"

Kid 2-"This shouldn't... (exhausted breath) be possible!"

Kid 3-"Is he... (exhausted breath) even human"

Young Damion is standing in front of them covered in bruises, burns, and blood.

Young Damion-"Is the game over now?"

Young Damion doesn't even look exhausted despite all of the physical injury.

Young Damion-"Hey guys?"

Young Damion takes several steps towards them and the three kids step back in fear.

Young Damion-"Can I have a turn now?"

Kid 1-"You're... turn!?"

Young Damion puts his hand up to his chest.

Young Damion-"Dark skill: Unbind damage"

A dark spell circle appears against Damion's chest and all of the blood, bruises, and burn marks fall off of his body replaced by a black mist that heals the injured areas. 

Kid 1-"(horrified) is he using...?"

Kid 2-"(horrified) dark magic?"

Kid 3-"(horrified) there is no way"

Young Damion then puts his hands towards the three kids.

Young Damion-"Don't worry I'll take it easy on you, Dark skill: Muscle unbind"

The muscles from the three kids detach from the bones and the three of them fall limp to the ground.

Young Damion-"That was fun"

Damion grabs the three kids and drags them out onto the street.

Young Damion-"I'm not supposed to show anybody that I have that, but since you guys are my friends I know you'll keep my secret"

The three kids remain on the ground unable to answer Damion.

Young Damion-"It should be easier for somebody to find you on the walkway like this instead of in that alley. Well I'm going to head home now, father is probably mad at me for being late"

Damion heads back home leaving the three kids on the road for somebody else to find.

Young Damion has been running back to his house and has now reached the front door. 

Young Damion-"I hope father isn't too mad that I'm late. I'm sure Desmond will be happy to learn that I made some new friends"

Young Damion opens the front door to the house. 

Young Damion-"I'm home!"

Nobody is present in the living room and nobody responds.

Young Damion-"That's strange"

Young Damion then heads inside closing the door behind himself. 

Young Damion-"Desmond!? Father!? Mother!?"

Young Damion then heard some talking coming from the basement. 

Young Damion-"Oh they are downstairs"

Damion opens the basement door and walks down the stairs. 

Young Damion-"Father! I'm sorry I'm late but I made some amazing new friends we played a fun game where we-"

Damion turns to look at his parents standing together.

Damion's mother-"That's wonderful sweetheart"

Damion's father-"New friends hm? Are they the same students from yesterday?"

Damion is silent.

Damion's mother-"Well sweetie your father asked you a question"

Young Damion-"Father?"

Damion's father-"Yes son?"

Young Damion-"Why is Desmond like that?"

Desmond is revealed on the floor with his soul devouring vines exiting his body and entering a knife with a rose on it.

Damion's mother-"Well we have some fantastic news"

Young Damion-"What?"

Damion's father-"Out of the two of you we found your dark unbinding magic to be far more impressive than your brother dark thorn magic"

Young Damion-"But, why is he like that?"

Damion's father-"You see, we believed the time was finally ready to implant your brother's power into you"

Young Damion-"What?"

Damion's father-"It's the next step in your practice, once you do you will be able to be one step closer to becoming a Lich, only a Demi-Lich for now but it's one step closer"

Damion's mother-"Isn't it exciting dear"

Young Damion-"It's... It's uh..."

Damion was experiencing a feeling he had never felt before, for the first time in his life, he stopped smiling.

Damion's father-"Are you alright son?"

Damion's mother-"What's wrong dear?"

Young Damion-"How..."

Damion's father-"How what?"

Young Damion-"How..."

Young Damion began clenching his fists with tears coming down his face.

Damion's mother-"Use your words dear"

Young Damion-"(Screaming) How could you do that to my brother!!?"

A large amount of dark magic began flowing out of Damion flooding the room in darkness.

Damion's mother-"Incredible sweetheart, so much power"

Damion's father-"Now is the perfect time for your transformation"

Damion's father grabs the knife from Desmond a walks over to Damion.

Young Damion-"Dark skill:Time Unbind!"

Suddenly Damion's mother and Father became frozen in place.

Young Damion runs up the stairs and runs out the door.

Suddenly chains fly towards Damion and wrap him up.

Some guards walk up to Damion.

Kid 1-"That's him! That's the kid who used dark magic"

The three kids who Damion were with earlier were with the guards.

Guard 2-"He is drenched with dark magic"

Guard 1-"You are hereby sentenced to life in prison for the crime of using dark magic"

The guards take Damion away while he is crying. 

End of chapter 19.