A microscopic journey

The captor has teleported out of the vacuum area, Julius undid the spell causing the air to flow back into it.

Captor(in their head)-"I had originally thought the curseborn would be the most dangerous but now I see that his accomplice is the more dangerous one"

Julius(in his head)-"Is there any way to make this plan safer"

Voice-"You could put a basic magic barrier around yourself due to it not being a skill, you normally have a passive one at all times"

Julius strengthens the passive magic barrier around himself.

Julius(in his head)-"Alright let's do this"

Damion-"Dark skill: muscle unbinding"

Damion is once again trying to attack the captor with them continuously teleporting away.

Damion-"Guess it's a battle of endurance then"

Captor(in their head)-"I'm certain their attack skills take more mana than my defensive teleport but they are welcome to try. Once he  runs out of mana it will be easy to capture him. Hopefully his accomplice runs out of mana too so I can capture them as well"

Unknown to the captor and to Damion, Julius has gotten to the fabric covering the captors nose.

Julius(in his head)-"They haven't teleported yet"

Voice-"It makes sense someone as small as you without using a large scale attack would go unnoticed"

Julius(in his head)-"So I'm too small to be considered a threat, seriously"

Voice-"I'm saying that because otherwise this person would be teleporting away every time a harmful bacteria lands on them, I'm not always make jokes about your height. 

Julius(in his head)-"Never mind that, let's get this over with"

Julius flies through the fabric not needing to use his phase skill since the gaps are far larger than he is. Julius then arrives at the nose.

Julius(in his head)-"Going in"

Julius enters through the nose along with a large number of other oxygen molecules. 

While inside the nose everything around him suddenly starts being wavy and then stops again. 

Voice-"It appears they teleported"

Julius(in his head)-"Yeah and I teleported with them so the plan has worked so far"

Julius continues moving throughout the sinuses making his way to the brain.

Julius(in his head)-"Once I make it to the brain I'll deliver a small shock, just enough to temporarily knock them unconscious"

Julius sees the oxygen around him traveling down to the lungs. 

Julius(in his head)-"Maybe now that I'm inside of the sinuses already I can phase to get to the brain as a shortcut"

Voice-"I estimate that if you phase and they move, they will move without you causing you to exit the body"

Julius(in his head)-"But the lungs are exactly what I want to avoid"

Voice-"You can use your polymorph skill to transform into a different type of atom so you won't be absorbed by the lungs"

Julius(in his head)-"That is true, why didn't I do that before I entered the nose?"

Voice-"I was concerned the teleport skill would recognize something transformed by magic coming close and would teleport away"

Julius(in his head)-"I really hate this person's teleport skill, now polymorph skill: change form"

Julius transformed into a silicon atom with 14 protons, 14 neutrons, and 14 electrons.

Voice-"Why a silicon atom?"

Julius(in his head)-"Silicon can cut through flesh pretty easily in case I get stuck somewhere"

Voice-"You could use your earth skill now to make a bunch of this type of atom to kill them from the inside"

Julius(in his head)-"...I'm not giving this person silicosis, it's a very dangerous thing that has killed many people, you are messed up for wven suggesting it"

Voice-"If you insist"

Julius(in his head)-"If I continue to train and gain more skills I may be able to cure all sorts of illnesses in this world like silicosis, but first I have to help Damion"

Julius continued down through the sinuses down into the lungs so he could enter a blood stream to the brain.

Julius(in his head)-"You know voice, this reminds me of some cartoons I used to watch as a kid"

Voice-"It does?"

Julius(in his head)-"Yeah there were educational cartoons where the characters would shrink down to explore the insides of a person, usually they would go through the blood vessels"

Voice-"Considering the fact that you were a scientist before you reincarnated I assume those were your favorite shows as a child"

Julius(in his head)-"They sure were, I was always so happy when they would put science shows on the projector at school. I loved learning new things about all kinds of subjects in science"

Voice-"We should probably focus on the task"

Julius notices the body teleporting over and over.

Julius(in his head)-"You're right, it seems that Damion is still battling this person so I should hurry"

Julius arrived inside the lungs. 

Julius(in his head)-"Hey voice do you know which blood vessel I should take out of here?"

Voice-"You're a scientist why don't you know?"

Julius(in his head)-"I'm not a biologist"

Voice-"That one up there should take you to the brain"

Julius flies into the blood vessel from the lungs following all of the oxygen that has been absorbed by the red blood cells and is following them up back to the head.

Julius(in his head)-"Just hold on a little bit longer Damion"

Back with Damion battling the captor.

Captor(in their head)-"I haven't noticed his accomplice in a while, is he planning something or did he retreat after their previous plan failed?"

Damion(in his head)-"Where did Julius go, I'm using up a lot of mana right now, I think I will have to switch to being on the defensive"

Damion stops attacking and stays still holding his arms out ready to cast a skill.

Damion-"Come on then, bring it on"

Captor(in their head)-"It seems they have switched up and are going on the defense now wanting me to attack"

Captor-"Very well then, you'll find yourself regretting allowing me to attack"

The captor grabs their poison tipped dagger and runs towards Damion to attack.

Back with Julius, he has finally exited the blood vessel and entered the brain. 

Julius(in his head)-"Alright now all I have to do is release a small electric shock the knock them out"

Voice-"Using lethal force would be more effective at preventing them from attack you again"

Julius(in his head)-"I am aware of that but they haven't done anything wrong, they are attacking us because it is probably their job"

Voice-"Very well then"

Julius flies up to a cluster of brain neurons.

Julius(in his head)-"Alright just a very weak one, I don't want to accidentally give them a mental disorder"

Julius-"Lightning skill: static shock"

Back with Damion and the captor.

Damion is exhausted as the captor teleports and attacks him from different angles. 

Damion-"I got to admit, I think I lost this one"

Captor-"It's time for you to return to your cell"

The captor dashes towards Damion but a small shock appears on their head, they then trip and slide on the dirt ground.


The captor is silent.

Damion-"I know you're trying to trick me, if I get close to you to check if you're awake you'll attack me"

The captor is still silent.

Damion-"I'm not falling for it"

The captor remains silent.

Damion-"Well, I'm leaving now, I'm walking away"

Damion walks backwards as the captor still stays on the floor.

Damion-"Welp alright then, I suppose I should make sure you don't chase after us again, dark skill: muscle unbind"

The captor still on the floor has their muscles disconnected from their bones.

Damion-"Now where is-"

Julius phases out of the captor's head and undoes his polymorph skill to return back to being an oxygen atom.


Damion-"There you are, did you do that?"

Julius-"Yes I did"

Damion-"Welp, looks like we finally get to leave now"

Damion turns to leave and then dozen swords are pointed at him.

Damion-"Well that's unfortunate"

End of chapter 22.