Lucious-"I hope you're alright"
Marigold-"Well I-"
Lucious-"It was so awful that you got kidnapped by those two horrible people, come with me so you can be safe"
Lucious-"Hurry now before-"
Marigold-"I refuse"
Lucious has a vein appear on his forehead.
Lucious-"You what?"
Marigold-"I'm not going back"
Joe-"Marigold what are you-"
Lucious-"Joe! Go help Adam and Elise"
Joe-"Oh, alright"
Joe begins running back to the battle field with the sounds of continuous explosions.
Lucious-"You're not going back eh?"
Marigold-"That's right! I'm not being manipulated by you anymore!"
Lucious-"You honestly believe someone as tiny and pathetic as you has any right to say that"
Marigold-"Look at yourself. My refusing to go back makes you this angry and you can't handle anybody telling you no! Everything is always your way!"
Lucious-"Of course, everything is my way. Everything I do is planned, everyone else always acts on a whim and takes risks. You act like I'm angry but really I'm just disappointed in you"
Marigold-"You think you're not acting on a whim!? The second you found out you couldn't control Julius and Damion you decided to try to kill them"
Lucious-"Clearly you haven't been listening. I said I don't take risks! Having powerful people around that I can't control is a risk. I thought I wasn't taking a risk with you, but I guess I was wrong for once"
Marigold-"You've gone too far this time, I can't let you-"
Lucious suddenly kicks Marigold and she goes flying into a tree.
Lucious-"You really need to learn your place. You're valuable, but not valuable enough to be acting like you have a say in things"
Lucious walks forward towards Marigold.
Marigold-"Water skill: water reservoir"
When Lucious steps on the ground a burst of water blasts out of the ground raising his foot up and causes him to trip backwards. He hops on his back foot a couple times before regaining his balance. Lucious looks forward and sees that Marigold has disappeared.
Lucious-"Do you honestly think you can run from me? Pathetic"
Back with the others. Julius is fighting against a manipulated Adam.
Julius-"Special skill: particle accelerator"
Julius dodges out of the way. However, Adam's slashes change direction and begin following Julius.
Julius-"A tracking attack?"
Julius flies around at light speed with the attacks following close behind him.
Julius-"I can't shake them off... wait"
Julius stops and moves towards the slashes. Due to his small size he is able to dodge between the slashes with their tracking attribute causing the slashes the slam into each other.
Julius(in his head)-"Maybe this is what those flies felt like when I tried to swat at them back in my old life"
Adam-"You think you can get away so easily!? Evolved skill: lunar Tidal wave, tsunami of slashes!"
Julius-"That's a long name... oh..."
Julius sees Adam create the giant wall of slashes. Unlike the regular tsunami of slashes attack, this one's walls are much larger and are created over and over again as a wave.
The wall is too wide to dodge out of the way so Julius has to dodge in between the thousands of slashes.
Julius-"It's like a dense fabric in here!"
Julius is constantly moving up and down and side to side to dodge the slashes. Once he gets through one wave he dashes towards the left to try to get away from the next wave. He still gets caught up by the next wave and continues frantically dodging.
Julius-"I'd think being so small would make it easy to dodge stuff"
Voice-"It does, honestly you are over reacting slightly"
Julius(in his head)-"NO I'M NOT!"
Elise and Damion look over and see the giant walls of slashes coming towards them.
Damion(in his head)-"That's a big attack. If I get hit by that I'd probably die, that's not good"
Elise-"Evolved skill: solar shield"
Elise creates a barrier to block part of the incoming attack.
Damion(in his head)-"What do I do? I know"
Damion-"Dark skill: Damage unbinding"
Damion begins healing as he gets hit by the large attack. He gets severely damaged but heals himself back to normal. Then as the waves continue hitting him, the spell remains active healing himself over and over until all the slash waves are gone. Elise blocks the portion of the attack that would have hit her by using her barrier that nearly breaks.
Julius-"You went way too overboard with that attack!"
Adam-"Silence you..."
Adam looks over and sees a tremendous amount of damage done to the terrain. The ground is turned into a deep ravine spanning half a kilometer away, a hundred meters deep, and ten meters across with the trees having all gotten turned into mulch.
Adam-"...I made a mistake"
Adam-"I can um... regrow the trees"
Julius-"Yeah, but can you fix the ground!?"
Adam-"This is a problem"
Elise-"You could have at least aimed upwards you idiot"
Damion is standing still stunned.
Damion-"I've never healed myself that much before, my body feels weird"
Joe is shaking in fear while standing at the edge of the ravine.
Joe-"That was way too close"
Julius-"Do you realize how reckless that was? If you had aimed in the other direction, you could have destroyed the village! This is exactly why I don't use attacks like that nuclear blast. At least I can fix the ground with enough time"
Adam-"As if you care about that, with all that you have intentionally destroyed"
Julius-"That never happened! Whatever Lucious told you it's not true"
Lucious-"Adam, look at what happened"
Lucious comes out of the forest behind Adam.
Lucious(in his head)-"I was chasing Marigold when this massive explosion happened, I had to see what it was but she escaped"
Adam-"Lucious I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that"
Lucious-"It's not your fault, it was too risky to block Julius's attack so you had to dodge, you couldn't have known it would do this much damage"
Lucious-"That devastating nuclear attack, look at what it has done to our forest"
Lucious's eyes turn black and show Adam's face in its reflection.
Adam-"Julius! You fear capture so much you would be willing to unleash all this devastation!?"
Lucious-"Elise! Joe! You have to stop Julius and Damion before they cause even more destruction!"
Elise-"He'll pay for this"
Joe-"Julius, I remembered that he had this much power but I didn't expect him to use it like that"
Damion-"...What? You guys just saw Adam make that attack"
Julius-"His memory manipulation is that quick? Convincing Adam, Elise, and Joe won't be an option. I have to take down Lucious first"
End of chapter 58