Chapter 8

Jon was back on his feet in no time. Cersei noticed little changes; he was more reserved but not less loving to her or his father. It was three months after his fall when Lord Stark received the raven. "Robert and his family are coming to Winterfell."

"King Robert. He's the king." Cersei reminded him gently but Eddard took no heed. King Robert was his oldest friend and comrade. Cersei read the letter once her lord husband went to see matters of the stables.

Jaime wrote to her too. His letter was filled with suggestions and love proclamations. Cersei steeled herself and remained strong in her resolve to rebuke any advances from her twin brother. Lannisters paid their debts after all.

The day the king and his party arrived at Winterfell was cold, colder than usual. The king looked older but still handsome. The queen was radiant with her red shiny hair, and clear blue eyes. Her children looked healthy and every bit royal. Myrcella and Lyanna looked beautiful with their lovely red hair and blue eyes. They were all Tully. Cersei was a gracious host and smiled. She wore a real smile when she saw Jaime and even Tyrion who looked completely dejected for some reason or other.

"Ned Stark." Robert hugged her lord husband and clapped him in the back. "Take me to her." Cersei looked quietly as the queen clenched her jaw. Lady Stark deflected this insult to the queen with a grace that the monarch did not possess.

"Your grace, may we go inside? The princesses must not be exposed to this weather."

The queen smiled and recovered, "Thank you Lady Stark. I see your son is rather used to the snow." Cersei looked at Jon who chased after a dog. She was going to have Fallen's head; she didn't want Jon playing with the dogs anymore. "Of all days, he had to play today". She thought.

She gestured to Myra to pick Jon from the snow. Jon hated being restrained and only let Cersei or Eddard hold him. He squirmed and fought her. Cersei decided to avoid a bigger scene and took Jon from the servant girl, "Forgive me your grace." She smiled gently.

She didn't fail to notice Jaime and Tyrion's stare at the hearth of Winterfell. The royal party enjoyed lunch, there was to be a celebration later that day in commemoration of the king's visit. The princesses and Jon were taking their naps when Cersei had her first taste of the real Catelyn and not the well-bred queen. They were by the east wing doing some needlework.

She thought the queen to be happy if not conventionally content with her life as the queen of Westeros. She was powerful after all. She was queen, the highest a woman in Westeros could achieve.

Catelyn Tully wasn't happy or content. "Lovely country." She remarked. There was a storm brewing. Eddard had taught her the signs by now.

"It has its charms." Cersei offered politely. She was demure in her manners; the queen was gentle, if a little boring in her demeanor.

"I thought it would be colder inside the castle." The queen said.

"I thought so too at first but Eddard explained why but I never quite cared enough." She said with a practiced air of complicity.

"I was to be Lady Stark." The queen said sadly. Cersei didn't know if she liked the somewhat wistful tone.

"Now you're queen." Cersei smiled and was pleasantly surprised when the queen smiled too.

"You must be happy to have given Lord Stark an heir." The queen stated. Cersei was caught off guard because there wasn't any trace of falsehood in the queen's voice or tone.

"I am. Jon is a very good boy."

"I wish I could give Robert a son. I hope this one is a boy." The woman said happily as she rubbed her flat belly.

"I'm sure you will give King Robert many sons your grace," Cersei said dutifully.

"Call me Catelyn please." The women spoke quite some more until it was time for the feast.

Jon and Princess Myrcella were close in age and playing in her solar with Myra and the royal nursemaids.

Cersei decided to wear a Lannister red gown with some fine golden earrings and jewels. She let her hair in one of the braids she had seen ladies of the North wear. Her green eyes sparkled. She looked beautiful.

She waited for Eddard. He looked like Eddard always did dour and perfectly dressed. "My lady." They descended to Winterfell's great hall. She was a gracious host and greeted all of Eddard's bannermen. They weren't too keen on her at first but with time they realized she wasn't leaving and decided to make peace with her.

The king and the queen arrived shortly after them. King Robert proceeded to drink and talk with the men. Eddard was included in that little party. Tyrion was nowhere to be seen. Jaime looked at her from his place by the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Barristan Selmy. The celebration was well on its way. The king was pawing at some kitchen maid. The queen's eyes followed the uncouth sight of Robert Baratheon touching the girl's large breasts. "Forgive Lady Stark, it's time Anna took her milk." The queen stood up. For a moment she was confused and then understood that Catelyn referred to the youngest princess. It must pain the queen to call her blood and flesh the name of a dead woman. A dead woman who still consumed the king's heart.

"I'll show you the way, your Grace. These halls are completely different without the light of day." Cersei left the festivities with the queen.

"You are very kind Cersei. May I call you Cersei?" The queen asked softly.

"Of course your Grace."

"Catelyn." The red-headed woman replied.

They walked to the queen's quarters. "I see you keep your chambers. I do too." The Queen checked on her children while Cersei put a cranky Jon to sleep. Myra looked as hopeless as usual, "I'm sorry lady Stark but the lordling was quite determined to not sleep."

"Forgive me Catelyn. He took a fall last year and only sleeps when I sing to him. I had hoped today's festivities tired him out." Jon settled on her shoulder and his grey eyes looked warily at the queen.

"He looks just like Eddard and so much like my Bran." The queen cried.

"He shouldn't have died. I thought I could understand Robert. I can't. He mourns her, he calls her name every time he takes me." The woman was so unfortunate. For the first time, Cersei was happy she wasn't queen. This woman was so unhappy, and to be humiliated by that great oaf of a man. The thought of Eddard calling someone else's name while he took her made her grimace internally.

"You are a queen." Cersei offered. Catelyn dried her tears and took her free hand. "Jon, after Jon Arryn?"

"Yes, my lord husband thought it fitting," Cersei said.

"You must be so tired after such a journey. Sleep well, my Queen." Cersei retired and instructed Myra to take care of the queen.

"I should listened to Old Nan and send you back to the Rock." She said as a last warning to Myra.

"You won't have a complain m'lady." The woman said nervously.

Cersei walked to her quarters. It was quite late; the feast should be finished by now. She carried a sleepy Jon. "Hush now pup." The baby whined sleepily.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and almost dropped Jon to the ground. She turned to face her attacker and found herself face-to-face with Jaime. He looked as handsome and strong as she remembered. She would have broken her promise had Jon not been with her. She cursed when he kissed her. She let herself enjoy one last kiss. Jaime noticed something amiss and stepped back.

"So this is Stark's bastard." He sported one of his smirks.

"Don't call him that." She growled. "His name is Jon and he's not a bastard."

"So the world believes but we know better don't we sweet sister." He laughed.

"Very clever of you to tell Stark to legitimize the spawn. All the Seven Kingdoms believe that a pup is your firstborn. Neither Robert nor their father will clear the misconception. Father is angry, he does not approve of you not contributing to our legacy but he is rather furious with Tyrion at the moment.

Cersei appreciated the information her twin gave her. Jon would inherit the Rock too. She didn't know how she felt about that. It certainly tasted like victory. Tywin Lannister, the richest man in all of Westeros would die and leave his entire "legacy" in the hands of a wolf.

She smiled and Jaime took it as an incentive. He tried to kiss her neck. Jon whined at being squished and this time it was her who stepped back.

"I can't." She said simply, trying to not show how much it hurt to say the words aloud.

"Give the bastard to one of his maids. I found a place."

"No, I can't. And I told you, don't call him that." She said sharply.

Jaime tried to place a soothing hand on her arm. "Don't be scared Cersei. This will be quick, where's your sense of adventure?"

"I don't want to." She said and walked a few meters before she felt him yanking her again. He was going to leave bruises if he continued with his behavior. She was getting angry now.

"Cersei, what are you doing? If you are afraid you needn't be. King Robert will probably entertain Stark until morning." Her twin was annoyed, not used to her refusing him.

She shook her head and then decided to break his heart. This was best for both of them. She had an oath to keep. "I don't want you as my lover. You are my brother, my twin but I love my husband." She conveyed all the disgust and regret she should feel for him.

Jaime laughed, "Is this a jape?" When he saw that her face remained unchanged all the mirth left his face. She could see the rage in his green eyes so like hers.

She walked up again, intent on reaching her quarters. Jaime followed her. "Stop. Go to the king. I am sure Selmy is looking for you."

"You will have to drop your son sooner or later and then we will be able to have words." Her twin persisted with an edge to his tone. He stressed the word son.

She went into her quarters and closed the door behind her. She placed Jon on his crib and wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and go to sleep but she heard Jaime shouting, "If you don't come out of those bloody rooms. I'll tear down the door and wake up the whole bloody castle." Her brother was serious.

Cersei left the room and was taken aback when Jaime kissed her passionately again. "You love me, I know you do. Don't be afraid Cersei, we can run away."

She pushed him away with her hands, "And then what? You'll be a sellsword? We'll be poor, living with the common folk. Oh, I'll look pretty as a tavern wench. What then Jaime? Do you think Father will approve of our union?" She didn't fake the sarcasm or the disdain. She was Cersei Lannister, not some peasant. She was a lady, of noble birth. She wouldn't sacrifice it all for Jaime or any other man. Jaime was angrier than she expected. He shook her body. "You can't love him."

"He's my husband what did you expect? It was bound to happen." She shook free of him when she heard Eddard's voice and laughter.