Chapter 33

Ned Stark was to be sentenced that day. The man in chains looked nothing like the proud lord he was. He had been in a dungeon for two weeks and reeked. He was to be executed by mid afternoon. Catelyn had publicly accused him of two royals murders. The woman was positively incensed when she learned Robb and Lannister were raining fires all over the Riverlands. Ned shook his head and was asked to publicly admit his treason in front of all the Lords. He refused to do so. The girls and Tommen were safe, away from King's Landing. Varys whispered it to him two nights ago when he came with a proposition. "Confess my lord. The queen will be merciful and grant you a pardon. You would go to the Wall. Leave the rest of your days serving the Night's Watch alongside your brother."

Ned remained quiet. He had needed to know whether his children were safe. Varys was a very perceptive man. "Your children are not in King's Landing anymore or so my little birds whisper."

"Think about your future lord Stark. You could see your children again and your lovely wife. It is better to be a traitor with a family than a dead honorable fool." The eunuch left him then.

Eddard looked at the masses. Catelyn had outdone herself. All the mighty lords of Westeros were in attendance. Ned held his head high and looked at Catelyn, he was foolish and had the hope to see the young woman he once knew. His almost sister in law, his almost wife. There she was, with a golden crown above her head and her daughters, beautiful and scared it seemed. The youngest Cassana, had cried, her eyes were red and she looked saddened. Alayne and Lyanna did not meet his gaze.

"Lord Stark you have been charged in the murders of my beloved husband the king and our son." Catelyn said with a steely voice.

"Have you anything to say my lord?" The new Lord Hand asked; Petyr Baelish had assumed the post. Ned remained quiet, still, waiting for Catelyn's sentence. He thought about years ago when another king asked for his brother and father's attendance to court.

Ned thought about Cersei and his children. He promised her to be safe and he failed but at least his children were safe, out of Catelyn's grasp.

"I have nothing to confess your grace. King Robert was my friend and the prince was to be my own son." Ned said with an honest voice. She would not execute him; it was not necessary. He would be imprisoned here in King's Landing, as penance for his supposed crimes. It did not make any sense for her to sacrifice his life. Princesses did not inherit thrones; princes did.

"You dare deny you conspired to kill our king. You deny that as soon as King Robert was dead you and Renly went against our prince and killed him in cold blood." The Lord Hand stated with a small smirk.

Ned did not rise to the provocation and kept quiet. Catelyn surely must know. Jon should know by now and was surely raising an army to march south. Cersei and Lord Lannister must know too. Robb and Lannister should be close to the Eyrie, trying to free Tyrion. The proud lords of Westeros were of course taking sides. The queen had control of King's Landing and the Riverlands, perhaps the Eyrie too but the Westerlands, the North, and the Reach were lost to her. She could not afford to kill him. It would mean open war with the North and the Westerlands.

The masses in front of him yelled, accused him of murder and called for his blood. Ned looked at Catelyn once more. He tried to make eye contact with her. The queen connected eyes with her and for the first time he saw the old Catelyn, the woman he had been introduced to all those years ago. He met her gaze and found the same sad eyes and pained eyes he saw almost two and ten years ago when he told her about Brandon's death. Catelyn had refused to believe Brandon was dead until Ned went to Riverrun. In that week their lives changed forever. Ned was back from Dorne, Lyanna was dead and the Capital had been recovered. He spoke with Catelyn and explained she would be queen. Catelyn nodded and accepted. She was so much like him, dutiful, bred to please and accept their duty.

"Lord Stark does not wish to confess. He is a traitor. His silence is nothing but a confirmation of his betrayal." Catelyn said with a firm voice. The crowds cheered once again.

"Eddard Stark, as queen regent I sentence you to death." The queen pronounced with a very stern face. Ned closed his eyes and accepted his fate. He was sure Jon would march south. Robb would meet him in the field. The queen must have already sent ravens asking Jon to answer for his crimes. Arya and Joanna would be safe. Tommen would of course go to the Westerlands. Tywin Lannister would welcome his kin without much hassle. Ned saw as Ilyn Payne prepared his long sword. This was sure Baelish's own work. Lord Eddard Stark would be killed with Ice, the Stark legendary valyrian sword. There were more cries of satisfaction, no one protested when the executioner grabbed the long sword. The princesses were rooted to their chairs. The queen paled but seemed determined to see Ned Stark's head roll by her feet.

Ned had little time. He closed his eyes; the noises and the people asking for his demise disappeared. He thought about his sons and daughters. He hoped Jon understood and regretted not seeing him one last time. He should have explained the boy. He regretted not seeing Robb become a lord. Tommen would hold Winterfell while his brothers fought a war. Joanna and Arya what would become of them? And Bran? His boy, Jon said he could walk. He regretted not going back to Winterfell. He saw Cersei's face, just like he had done when he encountered those wildlings years ago. He felt a hole in his heart. He failed her. He would never see her green eyes again.