Chapter 68

Daenerys waited for him. The queen dismissed her handmaidens. She felt exhilarated. The North was hers. He was hers. She wanted him now. The young woman heard yapping outside her door and opened it. It was the direwolf. He entered the room and jumped to her bed. "You want to be petted."

Daenerys went to the bed and tentatively touched the direwolf. Its fur was white, as white as snow. She petted its head and belly until the animal licked her face. "Good boy."

The queen smiled when Ghost laid by her side and nuzzled her belly. Daenerys rested by his side and enjoyed when the direwolf licked her hand. She smiled and petted his soft fur. The queen grew anxious to see Jon. "Your master is taking his sweet time to come to us." She massaged his neck.

Jon did not come to her until a few hours later. He looked somber when he knocked on her door. Daenerys smiled at him. "You are the only man who enjoys to keep me waiting."

He frowned and walked inside her rooms. "Did something happen?" She asked as Jon sat by Ghost and petted his direwolf. Jon remained quiet as Ghost went to the door.

Daenerys opened the door and out was Ghost. She closed the door. She would wait until Jon explained what had him worried.

"We travel in two days' time." He unfastened his leather jerkin. Daenerys smiled and stood in front of him. She caressed his stubbly cheek.

"Is that why you are out of sorts?" She asked a little confused with his attitude. He looked somber. He looked worried. He did not want to speak it seemed.

Jon sighed and played with the string of her robe. "Why do you wear such flimsy things?"

Daenerys kissed the corner of his mouth and straddled him. "It is easier for my lord Jon Stark to take them off of me." Jon gave her a side smile and rubbed her left thigh.

"You must grow cold only wearing these things." Jon kissed her neck. Daenerys moaned and undid the small hair tie he sported. She loved to run her fingers through his black hair. "I am the blood of the dragon Jon Stark. I never feel cold." She said seductively.

Jon stopped kissing her and laughed. Daenerys could see the boy he had once been. She could see Rickon in his face. "What a bad liar you are Daenerys Stormborn."

The queen faked offense, "I should have your head. It is high treason to call your queen a liar."

Jon threw his head back and laughed even harder. Daenerys giggled and kissed him. She made for him to take off his tunic. Jon was naked from the waist up. She enjoyed that sight. "My lord is most impudent."

"Whatever shall my dragon queen do?" He asked in a raspy voice.

Daenerys kissed him and pushed him to her bed. "I will punish you my lord."

Jon tried to turn them and pin her to the bed. Daenerys was smarter. She ground her hips and trapped him beneath her.

"Play nice my lord. Your queen asks for your favor. You swore obedience to me." Jon growled and grabbed her arse to move her over his clothed erection.

Daenerys wanted him to be still while she enjoyed his body. She had a thought. Daenerys undid her silk robes and tore some fabric quickly. Jon looked at her with fire on his eyes.

"We will play a game." She said with girlish relish. Daenerys could not remember the last time she felt this happy. She played with the cloth stripe. "You will not regret this." She remembered the traitorous Doreah and her lessons on how to please a man. The lyseni woman had taught her many great things. Daenerys ran her fingers over his arms to his hands. She kissed him and tied his arms back. Jon complied and smirked at him. Daenerys felt giddy and powerful.

"What do you mean to do to me Daenerys?" He asked as she kissed his Adam's apple, and lowered her head to his chest. She tasted his chest. He was wonderful, smelled delicious and was beautiful.

"First I will get rid of those breeches and boots. You will stay put as I do this." Daenerys painstakingly undressed him. She unlaced his boots, and lowered his leather breeches until he was completely naked before her. "What a fine man you are Jon Stark." She suckled on one of his nipples and smiled when he tried to get close to her.

She licked and kissed his chest, arms, neck and face. He was very hard beneath her. "I swear by the Old Gods and the New I will fuck you into this mattress. Stop this." He growled a little. The sounds he made inflamed her. Daenerys straddled his waist, she touched her hard nipples. Jon licked his lips, "Let me suckle you."

Jon was possibly fixated on her breasts. Daenerys nodded and lowered her tits to his mouth. He sucked and nuzzled her, "untie me Daenerys. You do not want to tease anymore. I will fuck you until you are hoarse and cannot say my name anymore." His voice was harsh. Daenerys felt pleasure pool.

She shook her head, "No, I want to tease you. Just like you tease me." She whispered and gasped when he bit her nipple and then licked her. He excited her, made her burn.

Daenerys sat back, the curve of her arse barely touching the tip of his erection. She ran her hands down her middle and raised a little. She could tell Jon had the perfect view of her fingers playing with her little button. She looked at him directly and offered him a wicked smile. Jon growled again. The sound made her want to ride him hard. She moaned and played with herself. She would ride him soon. Daenerys never saw it coming. Suddenly Jon's arms were around her waist. She was face first on the mattress. She felt him on her back and then he was inside her.

She felt treasonous when she compared him to Drogo. For a flash she remembered her first husband until he spoke. "Get on all fours." He harshly said. Daenerys frowned she thought she was in that position already. The queen realized he wanted her to bend her arms so her arse was raised. This was not quite like what she had with Drogo. She felt his hands around her hips. Daenerys felt on fire. He fucked her like he never had before, it was animalistic. She came around him and felt exhausted. She was sweaty and happily tired. Jon was not done with her. He kept fucking her, her lover pulled her up and had her against his chest. He pushed her hair aside and played with her button. "Your cunt is so hot." He said filthily and plucked at her button. Daenerys cried out hoarsely when he licked her neck. He was everywhere, Jon fucked her with his cock, his fingers opened her and played with her button and his teeth marked her neck. Daenerys held onto his neck and came around him so hard. She thought she would faint. Jon threw her to the bed once more and fucked her without any art. He just thrust hard inside her. Daenerys was too tired to speak. She could only moan as he raised her arse and spilled inside her cunt. He bit her neck until it was painful. His whole weight trapped her on the mattress. She loved it. He kissed her back. Jon rolled over, he brought her to his side and kissed her head. Daenerys hugged him. They were sweaty and he tensed. She kissed his chin.

"I did not mean to be so rough and crass with you." He said with some regret.

Daenerys shook her head, "never regret what we do. I would have stopped you had I not enjoyed every little thing that you did to me." She reassured him and loved that he blushed and took her feelings into consideration. They rested for a while. Daenerys was almost lulled to sleep because Jon played with her hair. She loved it. She thought for a second; if Jon played with her hair it meant he was still awake. "what is it my love?" She finally asked him.

Daenerys did not realize she called him "my love". Jon held her to him. She looked at his face. He kissed her once more. She shivered from the force of his kiss.

"Promise you will listen to ser Jorah." Jon said seriously.

Daenerys was utterly confused. "He's my loyal advisor. Of course I take his advice in very high regard."

Jon stopped her, "in the battlefield, I assume he stays with you at all times."

Daenerys sighed, "he does not. Ser Jorah rides with his own men as do the rest of my commanders."

Her lover frowned, "I do not understand why you have to ride to the Wall." Daenerys sighed. They came back to the same argument. She thought they had discussed the matter the night before. She spoke to him gently but left no room for questioning. "Your father needs my dragons. I am the only one they listen to."

Jon sat up, "a lie. I have seen your nephew pet the white and gold one."

"Viserion." Daenerys pointed out to Jon immediately. "Aegon is not ready and Drogon needs a firm hand. I will not stay in Winterfell while my children battle in the ice. I have to be there.

"No, you don't. Just like uncle Tyrion does not have to be there." Jon left her bed and tried to put on his breeches.

Daenerys sat up and felt anxiety. She did not want to displease him, in moments like this it was when she realized how young she was. "Come back to bed my love."

Jon stopped and joined her at the center of the bed. He kissed her. "I have dreamed of you for more than a year Daenerys. I have woken up wanting you, longing to touch and see your face. But I barely know you my love. I have never felt what I feel for you. I think of you every hour, want to be near you. I want to hear you laugh, talk, you consume me. I am scared because when I lost Ygritte it destroyed me. I feel traitorous, I thought I loved Ygritte but I cannot bear the thought of you dying makes me want to throw up. It may be too fast, too powerful Daenerys."

Daenerys kissed him and hugged him tight, "I feel the same for you. You make me forget about the rest of the world. When I'm with you I am only Daenerys. I feel more for you than I have ever felt for anyone else. Not even Drogo could bring me the happiness, the elation that you bring me. We may be insane Jon." She laughed and kissed his cheek when he laughed. "I will be safe. I swear. Do you want to be in charge of my safety guard?"

Jon kissed her forehead, "I cannot. I lead part of the free folk."

Daenerys nodded and laid down with him. "Take off these breeches." She pulled them down until he kicked them away.

"I will speak to Ser Jorah about your lodgings and location when we go Beyond the Wall."

The queen kissed her lover's chest. Jon played with her hair once more only this time she could feel his breathing even out under her. He was asleep. Daenerys smiled into his chest and slept too.

She woke up before him. Daenerys nuzzled his chest and raised a little. It was still night. Jon turned and held her. "I have to go." He rasped.

She was emboldened by his earlier declarations. "You could stay." She mused and kissed his neck.

Jon shook his head, "I have to meet with father."

She watched as he dressed. He came back to her and gave her a kiss that left her breathless. "I shall see you after you break your fast." Jon left her quarters. Daenerys slept easily. The maidens helped her dress for the day. She wore the Northern braid once more. At this rate it would be the only style she would wear. Jon had much fondness for her neck.

"Thank you Micka." She said once the woman was done styling her hair.

Daenerys broke her fast with the elder Starks and Jorah, "Where are lord Lannister and your sons?" She asked Ned Stark.

"They have headed for the Wall." The man replied easily.

"Why was I not informed of this?" Daenerys asked quickly, "I thought Tyrion was to stay with Lady Stark and see to her safety."

Jorah spoke at once. "There have been changes your grace. Your nephew Aegon rode with Jon and Robb at dawn. They will advance Beyond the Wall. Tyrion, Ned you and I will meet Tommen at Castle Black. We will meet them there and journey at once."

Daenerys was confused, "I thought we would travel in the coming days."

Lord Stark spoke somberly. "The Night's Watch Lord Commander is dead. He and his men were defeated. The survivors report the white walker's armies are far bigger than we expected. We have to act now." Benjen Stark was dead. Daenerys heard Jon speak very highly of his uncle. Lord Stark looked resigned, resolved, so very cold.

"Why is Tyrion going to the Wall? He is not a warrior as he had said it himself." Daenerys asked.

It was Lady Stark who replied, "Tyrion will oversee the wildfire usage. My brother insisted on the task. The West has lost many men and he intends for his men to know that he is there. A true warden leads his people."

Lord Stark stood up, "We march in the morrow." He left the hall.

"Sansa is distraught as you can imagine." Lady Stark left the hall as well. The woman must have understood that she wanted a private word with Ser Jorah.

"Why did you not seek me before I made a fool out of myself." Daenerys stated, irritated that she did not know that Jon was gone.

Jorah apologized, "I had thought to inform you earlier but your grace gave express order to not be disturbed before you get ready for the day."

The queen felt like a fool. "I apologize Jorah."

Her advisor spoke at once, "Ned received ravens early this morning. He sought me and we discussed the developments. Benjen Stark was stabbed by his sworn brothers. Castle Black was in disarray. Some brothers mutinied and killed Benjen during a raiding party. The perpetrators were hanged once they reached the Wall. Ned did not want to worry Cersei too much but the reason why Tyrion goes with us is beyond his need to command his forces. Tyrion is said to be a mastermind politician and he spent over a year in the North while the Southern war raged on. The Lannisters have a ruthless reputation and many Northern houses criticized Ned and Cersei's union. Many of us saw Cersei and her lot as conniving and traitorous people, which they are. Lady Stark however gained the trust and love of the North. Her family remained a controversial topic in the North. Tyrion proved himself when Cersei was bedridden with Rickon. He held Winterfell for her. Many of the houses came in contact with Tyrion and liked him. They hold some regard for him. It appears Khaleesi that there are major grievances between the wildlings, the Night's Watch and the Northern houses. The Starks have managed to contain major altercations. They will be commanding forces and fighting most of the time. Tyrion will be going with us to be a politician and advisor."

"What about Castle Black? Who will remain there?" Daenerys asked after learning all this information.

"Trusted men. Eddison Tollet's, the new Lord Commander's trusted few." Jorah continued.

Jorah gave her more details about the upcoming events. He detailed the journey. "Khaleesi, Ned and I wondered about your children."

Daenerys frowned, "what about my children?"

"It will not be prudent for you to ride Drogon and have Viserion and Rhaegal by your side. You will arrive with three dragons to a strange place. Ned advised that you should ride with us and summon your dragons when you are at the wall and when we set north." Jorah explained.

Daenerys agreed, "it would be best." Jorah and her finished their meals. The bear left the halls when a stable boy told him Ned Stark needed him for something about the horses.

The queen joined Lady Stark, Sansa and Margaery. She saw Rickon and little Ned play with toys in a corner.

The ladies stood and curtsied. Daenerys sat next to Sansa who looked tired, her eyes were red and swollen.

"Where is little Jon?" Daenerys asked

"He's asleep. Tyrion wanted to spend some time with him before he left." Sansa's voice wavered.

"You should be proud your lord husband is riding to battle. I am sure he will be a great asset to the war effort." The woman said in an amiable tone. Lady Stark frowned but remained quiet.

Little Ned came to his mother. "It is time for your nap." Margaery stood up and grabbed her son.

Rickon came by and sat by his mother, "mama, I don't want to go to maester Luwin."

Daenerys was surprised when lady Stark kissed the little boy's forehead, "only for today my love. We will say goodbye to Papa."

Rickon frowned, "Papa is leaving again." He told her. Daenerys nodded, "I am leaving with your father."

The little boy sighed, "I saw you in the ice. I saw Jon and I saw Robb." Rickon said as if nothing.

Lady Stark smiled sadly, "Did you see Bran my love?"

Rickon shook his head, "No, only Jon, Robb and the queen. They won mama." He giggled and ran off with Lan on his heels.

"He has dreams sometimes. They come true sometimes." Cersei explained to her.

"My dreams always come true." Daenerys replied.

"I thought they were all superstitions, lore from the country folk. Ned had dreams when he was a child too. He dreams sometimes too. He dreamed about having Bran years before we conceived him. Jon, Bran and Rickon have dreams as well." Lady Stark continued. Daenerys was about to comment when she felt something in her belly.

It was a searing pain, the dragon queen doubled over. Lady Stark and Sansa came to her aid. "Your grace." Sansa said alarmed.

Daenerys tried to stand up and felt more pain. "Call the maester now." Lady Stark said quickly. Sansa left the room in a hurry. The queen felt liquid running down her legs. Daenerys thought she was poisoned. These people would probably kill Aegon, her children and Jorah. It had all been lies. Jon betrayed her.

"Your grace. Your grace." She heard Lady Stark call to her.

The woman held her; she probably knew about the poisoning. Daenerys tried to push her away. The maester was there. "I have been poisoned. Find me Jorah. Your duty is to serve the castle not its lords. I am your queen." Daenerys managed to say through the pain.

The maester shook his head, "I assure you my lady you have not been poisoned." The maester said with a serious voice.

Lady Stark smirked, "I would have poisoned you when I first met you. Had I wanted to. Why would we let the prince leave?"

Daenerys glared at the woman. "What do you feel?" the old man asked.

"excruciating pain." Daenerys hissed.

"We need a bathtub and hot oils. This is just her time of the month." Lady Stark said derisively.

Daenerys shook her head, "That cannot be it."

"I need to examine you." The maester said.

Lady Stark and him helped her to nearby quarters. "You have to wash. I will give you the space you need." The woman left her when she was settled.

Daenerys waited until the maidens readied buckets so she could rinse herself. She washed and looked down the blood pooled around her. She would be dead by now. Daenerys was foolish. She washed away all the blood from her thighs. The maidens helped her with her shift. They gave her cloths to put under her shift. Daenerys's moon blood usually lasted four days. It was not as heavy as this. It had never been as heavy as this.

She was presentable when the maester came in and examined her belly

"When did your last moon blood come?" The man asked with a frown.

Daenerys looked at him unflinchingly, "about five years."

The maester arched an eyebrow, "Your grace has to elaborate."

The queen explained, "I birthed a stillborn. The witch who brought him to life said I would never have a child again. She said my womb would not quicken. My moon blood stopped after that. I never bled again. This is not moon blood."

The maester touched her belly and pressed her hips. Daenerys hissed when she felt the pressure on her aching belly. "The flow is heavier than I would have expected. I have seen this before. It happens after miscarriages. You will drink tea and remain in bed." The man said.

"I have to ride with Lord Stark and Ser Jorah." The queen said as a cramp rocked her lower body. She did not miss this part.

"Alas my queen. You will have to wait until your blood stops. You are in a delicate situation and your body will not handle the trek that well." The man offered.

"I will go to the Wall." She said angrily as she felt another wave of pain.

"I will have lord Mormont come as soon as possible." The maester left the quarters.

Daenerys waited for Jorah. She accepted tea from Micka. "My queen should take the tea. It will be good for you. It will sooth the pain."

She felt as if the cramps would tear her apart. Daenerys took the hot tea. The queen felt better after drinking. She even slept a little.

Daenerys woke up by knocks on the door. She sighed, the queen moved and cleaned herself. She still bled profusely but there was less pain.

She sat behind a desk. "Come in." Daenerys waited and in came Jorah.

The Bear smiled at her, "My queen."

The pain came back, as sharp as before. "There has been a change. You and Lord Stark will ride to the Wall in the morrow. My children and I will fly a few days later." She said with what she tried was a dignified voice.

"As my queen commands." He said and looked worried.

Daenerys smiled, "Do not fret my bear. I am fine. The maester however is cautious."

He stood up and came closer. Jorah kissed her hands. "I do not want to leave you."

"You trust the Starks. I will fly there." She said and smiled.

"This is goodbye for now Khaleesi. I ride with the unsullied before dawn break. Ned and Tyrion travel midmorning." The man commented.

"Safe travels Jorah the Andal." Daenerys said cheekily. Her old bear smiled and kissed her hands once more.

She asked for tea once more and was relieved when the pain lessened in a few hours. Daenerys was adamant that she would see the men off.

The queen washed and drank her tea. She felt the cramps but she was better. She told herself that. Daenerys considered riding with them until she felt like she had wetted herself and felt pain wrack her lower back. She joined lady Stark and lady Sansa. Rickon hugged his father by the neck.

"Promise to be a good lad. Do not run away from your mother. You are the lord of Winterfell." Stark said to a clingy Rickon.

"When will you be back?" He said in a small voice.

"Before you know it." The man said and kissed his cheeks. Daenerys heart hurt when Rickon kissed his father and laid his head on his broad shoulders. "Papa, I want to go with you."

"You cannot my love. Who will protect me?" Lady Stark smiled and took him from his father.

Rickon cried then. "Papa no please." He wailed. Daenerys forgot the boy was barely four. He was so vivacious, so talkative and funny.

Lady Stark shushed her child. "Goodbye my love." She said. Ned Stark kissed his wife. He broke westerosi rules and kissed lady Stark in front of the courtyard.

"I will come back to you." He said while he kissed a crying Rickon once more.

Lord Stark bowed to her and Sansa, "I will see you soon my queen." He then turned to Sansa. "Take care of yourself and the babe my lady." He said and kissed her hand. The man went to mount his horse and took off.

"Well, I don't think I can do as good as Ned." Tyrion chuckled.

"Stay safe baby brother." Lady Stark placed Rickon down. The boy stayed near. "Uncle is going too." Rickon hugged his uncle. Lady Stark kneeled and hugged her brother.

"It is so very strange to have you hug me." He said as he hugged her back.

"I should have hugged you more. I should have hugged you every day since you were a boy." Lady Stark said very quietly. Daenerys heard her nonetheless.

"Take care of her and Jon please." Tyrion finished.

Tyrion moved to her. He bowed and unlike lord Stark Tyrion kissed her hands, "I hope to see you and your dragons soon my queen."

"I am sure you will my lord." The queen said with a smile.

It was time for Tyrion to say goodbye to his wife, lady Sansa.

"Sansa." He began. Sansa tried to look away from his face. She seemed to look at a fixed point in front of her.

"Look at me." He said in the gentlest voice Daenerys had ever heard.

Sansa lowered her gaze and cried, "please don't Tyrion. Do not do this my lion." The redheaded beauty forgot decorum and hugged her husband.

"I have to. You know I have to." He kissed her lips gently. Daenerys felt for Sansa. "Listen to Cersei. Name the babe, do not wait until I come back." He kissed her one more time and entered the carriage that would escort him to Castle Black.

Daenerys thought lady Stark would frown and ask Sansa to stop whimpering but the lady of Winterfell did no such thing. Lady Stark approached Sansa and helped her up. "You must learn to see him go to battles. He is a lion of the Rock. Stand up little dove, cry if you must but let him see you. Let him see you tall and beautiful as you are. Let my baby brother see what he has to come back home to. Raise little dove, let him take a look at your belly. He will come back, he will make the impossible to come back to you and his children." Sansa held onto lady Stark and cried. She cried bitter tears. Daenerys never thought someone could cry as much as lady Lannister cried in that moment.

The women returned to the castle when the last of the men were out of the gates. Rickon looked tired. "Jeyne, take Rickon to his quarters. Let him have that treacle tart he loves." The handmaiden scurried off with the child.

Sansa cried and tried to apologize to the queen. "You have nothing to apologize for. You said goodbye to your lord husband whom you love very much." Daenerys replied.

Lady Lannister nodded, "I should have taken moon tea. I thought he would be happy to have another child. Jon was enough, I should have not become pregnant. He's going into battle and it is my fault." The girl said with a broken voice.

Lady Stark took her sister in law's hand and squeezed it. They walked to one of the embroidery rooms. "Nonsense. My brother loves you and his children with all his heart. He is immensely happy that he will be a father once more." The golden haired woman stated.

Daenerys tried to comfort Sansa as well. "Lord Lannister is clearly in love with you lady Sansa."

The woman wiped her tears. Sansa smiled, "he loves me and Jon but he's scared. He's afraid. He was worried when Jon was in my belly too. Tyrion thought I would die giving birth. He was half afraid of me dying and half afraid of having a child like him."

Lady Stark frowned, "My brother is a confused man. He's stubborn. Let him go to the Wall and get a grip on his emotions."

Sansa nodded, "My queen must not think ill of my lord husband. Tyrion is afraid to have a child like him. He does not want our baby to suffer like he did." Lady Stark looked out of sorts.

"I am sure your child will be healthy." The queen offered.

The women stayed in the embroidery room for the rest of the morning. Sansa excused herself to attend to little Jon. Lady Stark retired to see to Rickon and find little Ned. The queen retired to her quarters and washed herself. She did not have supper. Daenerys wished she could speak to Jon. She wanted him near her. The queen was uncomfortable for the rest of the day. Her lower back ached and her belly felt as if it was going to explode. She drank the last of her tea before going to sleep. Daenerys bled profusely for five days. On the sixth day she bled less and only drank tea once in the morning. She felt silly around Lady Stark. Daenerys had accused her of poisoning her. She was terribly ashamed of her behavior. Thankfully comforting Sansa seemed to be lady Stark's priority. She did not speak of her silly behavior at all. Daenerys decided to ride Drogon on the ninth day. She only spotted that day and there was no more pain.

Maester Luwin was against her decision. "I will ride and meet the forces at the Wall."

Lady Stark asked for a private word the night before she was to leave. The lady of Winterfell invited her to her private solar. The two women sat next to each other. "I must ask my queen a favor." The woman said without preamble.

"You may ask lady Stark." The queen replied a little nervous. The woman made her uncomfortable at times.

Lady Stark gave her six letters. "One of them is Sansa's. The other five are mine. They are for my boys and Ned."

Daenerys smiled, it was not the first time that lady Stark referred to the Stark men as boys."

Lady Stark looked confused, "may I ask what has amused you my queen?"

Daenerys looked at her, "you call them boys. It is odd that you refer to them as your boys. They are huge men, the lot of them except for Tyrion but no one would mistake him for a boy."

Lady Stark laughed, "may I be frank my queen." She said once she composed herself. Daenerys felt strange to hear her laugh so openly. She rarely got glimpses of the real Cersei Stark it seemed.

"Of course Lady Stark." Daenerys assured.

"In a mother's eyes their children are always children. Jon and Robb are said to be fierce in battle. To me they are boys who play at war. My Tommen has a child of his own as does Robb but to me they will always be my little cubs. I acknowledge the fact that they are adults and have responsibilities and such but they are just boys. Jon will always be my firstborn. I still think of him as the boy I had to force to go to the maester and study because he did not want to leave my side. Robb will always be the little boy that did not want to take baths and drove me wild trying to catch him. He used to run around naked. It took me and old Nan to catch him." Lady Stark said with a smile. Daenerys laughed thinking of a young naked Robb and dignified lady Stark chasing him.

Lady Stark smiled more openly. "I am sorry my lady but I cannot see you chasing Robb." Queen Daenerys said.

"Enough, you have to call me Cersei." The older woman said with a smile. "I know I cannot call you by your name my queen. It would be highly improper for me to do as such. You must call me Cersei."

Daenerys nodded, "I cannot see you chasing anyone lady Cersei."

The woman laughed again, "I thank Robb and Arya for my figure. They kept me running all the time. My Tommen and Joanna were less rowdy."

Daenerys felt a little uncomfortable. The woman could tell, "My daughter is safe. Do not concern yourself my queen. The past needs to be left in the past."

The queen agreed and asked, "tell me more about them when they were young. Robb sounds like a wild child."

Cersei Stark nodded, "He was, he still is. Jon and him are inseparable. They have always been. Jon tried to keep him from trouble but trouble just found Robb." Daenerys listened carefully and tried to ask about Robb instead of Jon. She did not want lady Stark to suspect anything. They spent hours talking about the Starks. Daenerys felt better.

It was late when Lady Stark said her goodbyes. "We will see you off in the morrow." The woman went to her desk and took out two pouches.

"This is for your moon blood pain. I am afraid you will go to a place with only men and they will not have these for you every month. I hope the wildlings will have these ingredients for your tea. I used to have horrible pains when I was as young as you were. I had the maester find me the roots and mash them for me. Do you know how to brew tea your grace?" Lady Stark asked gently.

"I have an idea." Daenerys said honestly. Lady Stark walked her through the simple process of brewing tea and how much to use.

"Now, this bag is for the moon tea. It is important that you listen my queen. This tea has to be taken every month, try to take it every thirty days. You will not want any surprises." The woman said.

Daenerys tried to not look overwhelmed. Lady Stark knew about her and Jon. She had to know. "Lady Stark, I don't …"

Cersei Stark looked at her and smiled, "Stop. You are the queen. Remember that Daenerys Targaryen. You are the queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Daenerys Stormborn, there is no need for explanations. I am merely trying to give you certain comforts. Whoever you lay with is no one's concern."

Daenerys smiled, "Thank you lady Stark you are most kind. I appreciate your concern." She took the pouches.

The older woman nodded, "I bid you good night my queen." Daenerys left the solar.

The queen slept fitfully. She was excited, the Wall was said to be an imposing structure and not far from Winterfell. Maybe she could be with Jon in a day or two. Lady Stark knew she was with Jon. It bothered her slightly because she did not want the woman to think badly of her. Daenerys laughed out loud. It did not matter. Lady Stark may have as well given her a blessing. She gave her moon tea ingredients. Daenerys' mood dropped. She would have no children. "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves." She remembered. Daenerys closed her eyes and tried to stop thinking about it.

Daenerys used her dothraki riding pants. Lady Sansa surprised her with a modified dress. It was black and had a three headed dragon embroidered on her chest. It was oddly feminine but she looked strong. "I made some more. It was supposed to be a surprise. I did not know whether you would like them." The woman said in a shy tone. "I had Tyrion carry a trunk with him. He will give you the rest when you arrive to the Wall."

"Thanks Sansa, wherever did you find the time?" She wondered.

"I started when you came to Winterfell and Tyrion said you rode your dragon." Sansa replied with a small smile.

Daenerys changed out of her old riding dress and wore Sansa's. Margaery, lady Stark and Sansa lined up to say her goodbyes.

"Farewell your grace." Margaery curtsied. Daenerys kissed both her cheeks.

"Safe travels my queen." Sansa curtsied too.

"Thank you so much Sansa. I will give Tyrion your letter and remind him of how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have such as sweet wife." Daenerys said sincerely. She liked Sansa.

"Lady Stark." Daenerys said.

"My queen." The older woman curtsied as well. "May you arrive to the Castle Black swiftly."

Daenerys nodded, "I hope to see you soon Cersei."

"As do I my queen."

Daenerys headed for the godswoods where her children were. She petted Viserion and Rhaegal. "Follow Drogon."

She petted Drogon. The dragon lowered his wing. Daenerys petted him. "Thank you sweetling." Daenerys sat down. "Fly."

Drogon rose as did Viserion and Rhaegal. They flew away. Daenerys had a smile on her face as she left Winterfell behind.