Chapter 75

Jon could see the Wall ahead of them. They would be in Castle Black in the late afternoon. Daenerys rode ahead. Father and him brought the rear.

They were behind their armies. It had been a sad journey. Many of his friends decided to stay North. It had been hard to say goodbye to them but it had been harder to say goodbye to the babe. Daenerys has asked him to show her his resting place. Father had marked a small grave. Jon visited the clearing with Daenerys. They cried together. Jon held Daenerys as she wept. It had almost been as hard as that night when she had the miscarriage.

Jon wanted nothing more than to be at Castle Black and rest. Father grew restless. He pushed all the men to reach Westeros. The Lord of Winterfell gave explicit orders to the riders ahead. They were to make sure there were enough beds for the remaining forces. Father planned to rest for a day and march to Winterfell the following day. Some of the smaller lords were not even stopping at Castle Black. They were going straight to their keeps. Father declined all plans of celebrations. "I am sure Lady Stark has a feast and many festivities planned. She has hosted our many warriors since Tommen reached Winterfell."

Jon could see behind father's eagerness to reach Winterfell. Of course he wanted to see mother and be near Rickon. Jon however could see his last desperate attempt to dissuade him from going to King's Landing with Daenerys.

The plans were pointless. Neither mother, nor Winterfell for that matter would make him desist. He was going wherever Daenerys went. It was not a matter of dissuading anymore. Daenerys was his choice.

Father did not berate or ask him to change his plans anymore. They had a long talk about the implications of his choices. "I raised you to take my place. You are to be the Warden of the North."

Jon listened to his father rant, "You have many years ahead of you father. You have another two heirs to bestow Winterfell and the Dreadfort too. Rickon and Bran would do well in either lands."

Father looked at him once more. "You are my son. My heir. Your mother and I raised you to uphold your duties. You will let a mere girl derail you from your heritage, your patrimony? Have you no love for these lands?" He said more forcefully.

Jon spoke forcefully as well. "I love Winterfell but I love her more. I will not lose her out of duty. I rather not speak of this once more. Your stance on the matter will not change and neither will mine." He had left the tent then.

Father did not speak of the matter again. Jon visited Daenerys every day without fail. They were as discreet as they could be.

"Jon, you ride ahead, have the Lord Commander ready our quarters for the night. We ride at the break of dawn in the morrow." Father instructed.

Jon gladly rode ahead. He saw Rhaegal fly above him. Ghost ran by his horse's side. He reached the Wall in no time. One of the recruits opened the gates and let him through. It was darkening quick. He doubted father would reach Castle Black before late night. Jon rode as hard as he could.

He clapped Ed's back when he reached the yard. "Welcome my lord." He said mockingly.

"Lord Commander." He bowed. Ed slapped his back and hugged him.

"Where is Lord Stark?" The man asked as they walked to the hearths.

"He is at the rear. I doubt he will reach safety before the small hours." Jon said honestly.

"He sent me to make sure our quarters were properly conditioned. He means to ride for Winterfell in the morrow. Have our quarters ready for use. Where is the queen? I have a message from father."

Ed nodded, "She is in her solar."

Jon feigned ignorance, "How would I reach her?" Ed gave him very convoluted directions. It took the black brother about fifteen minutes. Jon grew impatient. He knew for a fact that it only took three minutes to reach Daenerys' quarters from here.

Jon was off to see Daenerys. He pushed the door and was awestruck by the sight of her. She wore a silky shift. "I have waited for you my lord." She approached him.

Jon smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "I missed you." He breathed her scent.

Daenerys kissed his neck. "Let's undress you." She said with a smile.

Jon helped her along the way. He felt very warm in this room and only wore his breeches. He was tired and wanted nothing but to rest next to her for a few hours.

His head hit the furs. He closed his eyes and smiled when Daenerys rested her head on his chest. He sighed deeply and rested from the long journey. They were silent for a bit. Jon was about to fall asleep when he felt her hands grasp him. He did not know how to react when Daenerys kissed his neck. Jon stayed still. He did not want to hurt her. He felt his manhood harden under Daenerys wandering hands. She kissed his lips and he stayed still.

Daenerys stopped her caresses and spoke very quietly, "I know you are awake." Jon opened his eyes and looked at her. He tried to caress her face. She recoiled from his touch.

"You do not want me anymore." She said in a very small voice. It sounded hard and harsh to his own ears.

Jon frowned, "of course I want you."

Daenerys' voice was low, "you have not touched me since before I lost Aenys. I said I was sorry Jon. I said I was sorry."

Jon shook his head, "I thought I would hurt you." He kissed her and moved above her. "I have stayed away because you have not given me permission to touch you." It was true. He was dying to touch her, to be inside of her. Jon ran his hands over her thigh.

Daenerys bit his lip, "I want you so much Jon. I've missed you inside of me."

Jon could have wept when she opened her legs to receive him. He rubbed on her. Jon moved to the side and undid his breeches. Daenerys for her part slid out of her shift. She was beautiful. The most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. She was perfect and his.

Jon pounced on her. He kissed down her breasts and licked her nipples until Daenerys asked him to stop. "I need you inside." She moaned and grabbed his manhood.

He entered her hesitantly and needed a moment to savor the sensation of her heat. "I love you." He whispered over and over until he was calm enough to move. Daenerys arched her back when he pumped inside of her.

Jon loved her pout and sucked on her lower lip. He went maddeningly slow. Daenerys mewled and caressed his hair. He moved a bit faster when she contracted. Daenerys bared her neck for him. She knew he wanted to mark her. Jon grew impossibly hard when she did that. The young man growled and bit her. Daenerys came once more. Jon could not hold himself any longer. He came and collapsed on top of her. They were warm. It was perfect to be inside of her.

Daenerys sighed and caressed his back. Jon nuzzled her ear, "Are you satisfied my love?"

"No, I want you again and again." She said honestly.

Jon laughed and kissed her some more. He had her three more times that night. If he had to be honest. He liked the last time the best. Daenerys teased him and he had her on all fours. He rammed into her and had her like a wolf. She called him her "Fearless Wolf." Jon turned her over. "Get on all fours. I'll show you a wolf." He whispered.

Daenerys did as she was told. Soon he was deep inside of her. He enjoyed her moans and drove into her like a man possessed. Daenerys moaned. She was incredibly loud. "Bite the furs. You'll wake the whole Castle." He growled and slapped her arse. The queen did so. He came long and hard. He spilled his seed inside of her. Jon wanted to see her swell with his child. He had not seen her belly with Aenys. She barely had one with the babe. Yasha had explained that Daenerys was not even four months along when it happened. Jon asked the woman how she had known it was a boy. Yasha replied she just knew.


Jon did not want to be sad. He kissed Daenerys' back and pulled her to him. "I fucking love your cunt."

Daenerys turned and kissed him. She rested her hand on his arse and pinched him. She smiled at him. "I love your cock." She replied and licked his lips. They were sweaty and smelled of sex. Jon cuddled her and placed his hand on her tit. He loved her tits.

She woke him up with sweet kisses. Jon was saddened; she was dressed. "Good morning my love." She kissed him.

"You are dressed." He yawned.

"Yes, your father knocked on my door fifteen minutes ago. He said we ride within the hour." Daenerys gave him his clothes. "Dress. We have to leave."

Jon used the chamber pot to relieve his erection. He dressed and helped Daenerys tie her braid. His hands wandered to her tits and he squeezed them. She chuckled. "Stop."

Jon mockingly growled and licked her neck. "I could eat you."

Daenerys turned and pecked his lips. "Grab some bacon and be happy. I shall see you soon. Now go." She laughed. He loved to see her happy. He would make sure she always laughed and smiled.

Jon left in good spirits. He greeted father in the Great Hall. He looked in good spirits as well. "Good morning father."

"I daresay it is." The older man ate his bacon happily.

They made some small talk. "The queen should be ready by now. Fetch her. You will escort her until we reach Winterfell." Father said.

"As you command." Jon grinned and left.

The men sang and mounted their horses. The dragons flew above them. The men no longer cowered at the sight of them. There hadn't been any casualties since before the battles.

Jon rode by Daenerys side. Father marched in the rear. They said their goodbyes to the Night's Watch. Jon was happily surprised when some of the Unsullied remained behind. He did not question their motives. Their gesture of good faith would make Daenerys more welcome in the North.

They rode almost all day until there was no more sunlight. It was a cold night. "We set camp tonight." Father yelled and instructed the men to stop. The tents were erected almost immediately. It was impossible to sleep. It was too cold.

The dragons stayed on ground but did not breathe fire. Daenerys bundled up with him. Jon fucked her with his vest on. "This is worse than farther North." Jon shook his head. "There is a storm approaching. I can feel it. Winter is here. This is why father is setting such a grueling pace. He knows too." Jon said solemnly.

Daenerys snorted. "I hardly think Starks can tell and will the weather."

Jon rolled his eyes, "mock all you want but we Starks are Ice. We are of winter." He said ominously. Daenerys gave him a disbelieving look.

"My ancestors have ruled these lands for centuries. We know about harsh winters. Did I tell you the story of the coldest winter?" Jon asked.

"You have not." Daenerys replied.

"It was during the Age of Heroes. The winter was so cold and cruel that a woman killed her husband so that she and her babe could wear him and be warm with his fat and skin." Jon said in a very quiet voice.

Daenerys shuddered. "You lie." She inched closer to him when she heard Ghost howl.

"Fear not Daenerys. I will not let the souls of the dead get to you." He laughed when she shivered.

They were glad when the trumpets indicated their impeding move. Lord Stark encouraged all the men to advance as much as they could. "Winter is Coming." He yelled and they moved.

Jon and Daenerys were inseparable. They huddled close together but no one cared. They were all too tired, too hungry, too cold to care.

Finally, after many cold nights Jon could see the towers of Winterfell. "Home." Father said and him said at the same time. They grinned and rode ahead.