Of course, something 'had' to happen

Judge sat down for a moment, the hatred he could have easily controlled was stirring up inside him. He did not know the reason, but he knew something was abnormal.

He felt as if he was swimming in a raging sea with uncontrollable waves, he had no way of getting out of the large waves that reached almost fifty meters in height. As Judge was trying his hardest to get out of the predicament, he was hit with another wave and was sent underwater, having lost his strength to fight back against the waves, he slowly fell deeper into the deep ocean's depth, with darkness swallowing him.

Judge tried to stay awake, but he slowly lost consciousness. He fell to the floor, gasping for breath and clutching his chest tightly. He could feel his heart beating heavily and rapidly, he heard someone, a female voice, shouting before he lost consciousness. Was it his mother? He had no way to know.
