Buying firearms legally. Plot twist-there is no license

Judge and the tall man met their eyes, he felt a slight chill from that single silvery-red eye. The man hesitated for a moment before replying, "I am called Saphiel."

"Saphiel," Judge repeated, muttering to himself as if tasting the name. "That's a nice name, but it reminds me of someone."

"Who?" Saphiel's tone was somewhere between curiosity and suspicion.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Personal matters, treat it as if I have never said anything." He smiled at the tall man, seemingly forgetting that he was wearing a mask that was always smiling— but creepily though. "Just... think of it as a momentary lapse in manners."

Before they could dive further into that mystery, Norris entered, balancing a stack of heavy boxes and looking like a precarious tower of armory. "Sorry for the wait, lads. Here are the revolvers, and a few pistols too. Quite the selection if I do say so myself!"