Divine wrath!... Yeah, no thanks

"Wrath of the Light"

Flora pointed her glaive to the sky with the kind of flair that would make a theater performer proud. The air around her crackled with radiant energy as countless bright portals appeared, shimmering like stars come too close to Earth.

From each portal, a golden spear emerged, glowing with the intensity of miniature suns. The evening sky, bathed moments ago in a warm orange hue, was now glaringly bright—daylight had been rudely dragged back onto the scene.

It was a sight to behold, though not everyone appreciated it. The Avians seemed thrilled, their feathers practically preening under the light, but the vampires? Not so much. Unlike her father's legendary light, which could turn a vampire into a well-dressed pile of ash, Flora's light merely irritated them. Think of it as an overpowered flashlight rather than a death ray.