The whole room was silent as I had deducted my theory and no one spoke anything until...

"How and where did you find this monster...."


"You, how did you do that...."

An adult person was looking towards a small child as he asked in a very surprised voice.

"What happened, why are you so surprised..."

Suddenly another voice came from behind as the other guy walked towards the shocked person.

"What happened, did you see a ghost or something... Why are you not teaching the kid how to fight... Don't forget that old bastard, that guy will kill you if you don't do your job properly..."

The other guy said while he looked towards him.

"Th...this ki..kid I...is a monster...."

The shocked-looking guy said while shuddering a little bit and the other guy just narrowed his eyes as he looked towards me.

"Hey from which angle does he look like a monster to you, don't be racist dude, I know he has a little dark skin color but that doesn't mean you can call the kid monster.."

The guy spoke in a sarcastic tone as he looked at him.

"No you don't understand this kid is just literally a monster, no matter what I teach him or what I tell him to learn this kid just learns it like it is nothing, heck he is just a 9-year-old kid and I made him remember who knows how many maths, physics formula heck even I made him do questions which were clearly of graduation level and this monster not only he did that much easily but even after I put a time limit into him, this guy did it less than an hour."

The guy spoke and this time a shocked look came upon the other guy's face as he looked at the child standing in front of him.

"Not only that I even Made him fight with me at first it was easy for me to defeat him but then as we continued the fight the bastard started to imitate my moves, heck I just taught him how to throw a punch but the bastard started to learn from the fights at first his moves were not that much good but after two and three minutes of sparing his moves started to become much refined, heck in curiosity to see how much longer he can keep going I used everything I had.."

"Wait you used everything you had on this child."

"More like a monster the bastard learned every move of mine and perfected it much better than me if it were not for the fact that he had less stamina than me then heck he would have defeated me today."

"This is not a kid,  he is a monster, a monster who imitates others heck he didn't only imitate my moves but was also imitating my expression it was so weird and creepy when he started to imitate my expression, it was as if he doesn't understand human feeling and just imitate them. Heck, the bastard even adapted for my punches and to think that it is his first day learning how to fight."

The guy said and this time the other one also couldn't help himself be shocked. Both of them looked toward the kid while he looked at them with a curious face.

"It's as if he is some kind of a Monster in disguise of a human, like a Mimicking monster hey tell me is he a human or some kind of skinwalker in the disguise of a kid."

"I don't know dude..."

"What is happening here can I ask you all..."

Suddenly a man's voice was heard both of them had a look of horror and shock upon hearing the voice.

"Aaaa sir no it just w...we were training the kid that's all yeah that's all.."

One of them answered and the other just nodded his head.

"Oh is that so, tell me SUB 01 did they teach you..."

The man asked and the guys both took a sigh of relief. They think that this kid couldn't speak because both of them had never seen him talk.

"They were not teaching me anything, they were just talking to each other and were calling me a monster..."

But to their horror, the kid answered the question with a calm and emotionless tone.

"Oh, so you both were slacking on duty and were Even giving him nicknames. That's too bad looks like I have to terminate you both..."

When the both of them heard the word terminate their eyes shot open in horror as they started to scream in horror and beg Before the guy...

"Please sir anything but no that please we beg you..."

Both of them said this in sync as an expression of pure chaos could be seen on their face.

"Oh come on don't cry it is not much bad, guards take them please..."

The guy in the suit said and two guards suddenly appeared near him, they were so fast that it looked as if they had just teleported in front of him.

"Aaaaa... No please...."

The person who had come there took those two with them.

"Good know that you are the best Subject I have, don't worry I will make you much better..."

The guy said and clapped his hand. And like before two more people came close to him the way they walked and the way they appeared made them look like real-life Ninja.

"From now on they will teach you everything..."

The guy said as he looked at the other two guys and with a big grin on his face said.

"Use whatever and however ways or things you want to use on him make his traning more tough more hard I don't care just I want to see results, make him the best out of best."

He spoke and both of them nodded their heads as they looked at the kid, but the kid didn't show much emotion as he just stood there silently watching them with an emotionless face.


"So you are telling me that not only that you were able to tell that I was acting but also you even know that it was me who was following you both..."

Brian spoke as he looked at me and I nodded my head, while Alice didn't know what to say.

She was truly ashamed of herself that she not only fell for this cheap lie but even wasn't able to tell that they had been followed.

"How did you know that it was Me who followed you..."

Brian asked with an amused look, he somehow was able to come on with terms that this guy is a monster in these things and now had decided to not get surprised by anything...

"It was because I saw you both in cafe and the alley not only that you were also inside the theater too, you were watching over Alice that's why when I left for the bathroom you just stayed there while watching her. It was very easy to hear your stick noise when every you walked with them."

I spoke as I told the guy everything he should know and hearing me the guy got a little surprised look but overcame that very fast...

"So what help do you need from me tell me fast I can't talk with him for much longer, talking with him makes me feel stupid..."

He spoke and I just looked at him while nodding to myself with a proud look.

Seeing that it was pointless to talk about these things Alice started to explain everything to Brian with a weak look on her face as it was the first time she had felt that much mental exhaustion.