Escape Room

< There are: 1st place~ Escape Room. 2nd place~ Zombies apocalypse. 3rd place~ Predator and prey. 4th place ~ Dungeon Raid. 5th place~ Ghost hunters.>

< You can now choose, player Supreme.>

< But warning, You must be at least level 25 and have intelligence above 50%, to have a high survival rate.>

"Wow, games even AI warned would be terrifying, right?"

"System show me my profile again."

{Ok Host.}

{Name: Michael Brian.}

{Game Name: Supreme.}

{Level: LV 5.}

{Games won: 1.}

{Games lose: 0.}

{Strength: 54.}

{Defense: 10.}

{Agility: 7.}

{Endurance: 5.}

{Intelligence: 60%}

{Points earned: 0.}

"Ok, it looks like I need more points." Michael said calmly, and turned to Reaper. "Which game should we play?"

Reaper just shrugged, as if saying 'it's on you.'

"Ok... Let's see here" Michael moved his gaze on the five hardest games, and nodded. "These games will be a little difficult with the help of the system, so let go with the biggest one. Escape Room. I had watched movies and played countless games about escape rooms. So I might know what I am doing?"

'Did my Lord just said 'he might know what he is doing'? Is he kidding me!!' Reaper was a little stunned.

"Ok AI, I choose Escape Room."

< Are you sure, player Supreme?>

< Your level and intelligence are too low for the game.>

"WHAT?!! My intelligence is 60% how is it low?!!"

< You must be at least LV 30, with 80% intelligence, are you sure about playing this game?>

"80%!!!" Michael yelled, and... "wait, for AI to continuously warn a player, this game is really dangerous. I don't care, accept AI, I am playing."

< Ok, player supreme.>

< Are you ready?>

< Yes/ No.>

Supreme looked at himself, and with a thought he changed his black hair color to brown with 500 in-game diamonds. "This is much better, I don't want people to gather me the next time I go out with my sister."

"Yes, accept"

< Ok, player Supreme.>

< Looking for players, total number of players needed, 15/20.>

< Successfully joined.>

< Game start in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...>

"Only twenty players, I can do with that" Michael muttered, as he vanished from his lobby.



< Player Supreme have entered the waiting room.>

Michael appeared inside the room and looked around. "I thought..." He was a little stunned, looking around the place.

The waiting room was not like the one he and Poisonous Queen appeared in his first game. Instead, this waiting room, was a simple... Library?

'I thought I won't have to go to school anymore, but... What the hell is this?!!'

The nineteen players turned to him, a little surprise.

"Is this supreme?"

"He is only a LV 5 player"

"What can this guy do? He is just a kid." A middle-aged man with dark blue hair said. He was the highest level player among them. A freaking LV 35 player. Beside him was a young girl who looked around 19 years old, putting on a white and black school uniform, portraying herself like a college student. She was putting on a big reading glasses and has long purple hair.

"Maybe, he is more than the eyes could see" the lady said calmly, her eyes behind the big glasses observing Supreme.

Supreme observed all the players with a deep frown on his face, seeing the blue hair man's level. And the...

'Is she still a student? What the hell, she is a LV 34 player!! And her intelligence is not a joke. A freaking 86%' Supreme was stunned, staring at the purple hair student.

The girl was also staring at him, she gave him a beautiful smile, and fixed her glasses well on the crook of her nose.

"Let see what you can do Supreme." She muttered in a low voice.

After a while, AI's voice finally sounded.

< Get ready players.>

< game start in one minute.>

< These are the rules of the game.>

< The game has three stages, and two resting times. Which comes after the first and second stages. You will be given a set of questions and puzzles to answer in a specific time to escape the room. Failure to complete these questions or puzzles will lead to your death.>

< everyone is allowed to work together to pass this game. And your rewards will be calculated with the effort you contributed in the game.>

< Oh players, there will also be imposters in this game. Imposters are not allowed to pass the numbers of players. The task of imposters is to stop the players from completing or answering the puzzles and questions. Imposters gain triple the rewards of the players if they win the game. If an imposter failed to let The players loss the game, that will lead to his/her death.>

< tip: work together to win the game.>

< requirement: NO pet allowed, weapons are not allowed. NOTE: imposters will be given daggers.>

< More information will be revealed in the game.>

< Get ready players, You can still forfeit the match.>

< Game start in 10 seconds.>

< 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...>

< Game start.>

< Good luck player.>

The next moment, red light enveloped all the players, and they all vanished from the waiting room.


In a big and empty library, with no life on sight, only books and more books. At this moment. Twenty humans appeared inside this library.

"Oh, we are in a library. How nice" Michael said with sarcasm.

The twenty players moved their gazes around the library, the group were only greeted with books and more books.

"What now?" A player asked.

AI's Voice finally sounded, in the huge library.

< Welcome to the first stage players.>

< before the game start, choose.>

< Those of you who want to be an imposter and those who want to be a player.>

A screen appeared in front of the twenty players. Screen no one else could see apart from the specific player.

Supreme stared at the two and only tags in front of the screen. One red and the other green.

"Imposter red, and player green. I don't care about the large rewards even though I could kill all of them easily. But... Let go with player." Before Michael could tap the green button, the voice of the school girl got everyone's attention.

"Wait everyone, I know some of you want to gain the triple rewards AI mentioned. But... if we work together, we can survive this game. You all know, players could also kill imposter, even if we aren't armed with weapons, we are still high level players. Like me, I am joining the players." She paused showing off her level, and moved her gaze around her audience.

"Do any of you low level players have the courage to kill me? Even if you are armed, and I am unarmed?" She asked, staring at supreme.

'Is she targeting me?' Michael thought with a frown.

Some players' faces change silently, after hearing her words, while some nodded.

"Good, so... Let work together and win this game."

"Yes, you are right" the middle-aged man said.

"Yes, we are with you."


Everyone nodded.

"What a nice speech" Supreme stated in a low voice.

After everyone have selected their tags, AI sounded.

< Congratulation players for choosing.>

< The game will now begin.>

Supreme just yawned... The next moment a smirk appeared on his face.

{Host Is in a game.}

{Game discovered: Escaped room.}

{Cheats gotten.}

{Loading cheats.....30%}

{Loading cheats...80%}

{Cheats Successful loaded.}

'Show me all my cheats.'

{Ok Host, cheats are...}





Much love guys.

I hope you are prepared For brainstorming. 😂😂.

Let escape the room.