I Hope You Win

< There are: 1st place~ Zombies apocalypse. 2nd place~ Predator and prey. 3rd place ~ Dungeon Raid. 4th place~ Ghost hunters. 5th place ~ Hunt.>

< You can now choose, player Supreme.>

< But warning, You must be at least level 25 and have intelligence above 50%, to have a high survival rate.>

Blood-Arrow blinked staring at the list of games.

"Why do you look surprise? These are the hardest games." He said to her.

Drakon had shrunk in size returning to its baby form; he stood calmly on Supreme's shoulder.

'Why isn't the Escape Room here? Has it been removed?' He thought inwardly.

"Not really, which one are we playing?" Blood-Arrow asked, summoning her purple bow.

"Zombie Apocalypse." He turned to her. "I hope you have watched some zombies' movies, because I don't want to be looking after a scared little cat."