Take Advantage Of These Guys

{ System only want host to be--}

'--The strongest. Yeah, I remembered.' He let out a frustrated sigh. 'I hope this end well. For you to reward me with two permanent cheats only means we are either going to our death or to our end.'

{You know that is the same thing.}

'Not exactly.' He stood up, and followed the group.


Miles stopped in front of a Metal door in the Building, he tapped on the numeric keypad on the computer screen and with a mechanical sound; The door slowly moved to the side, revealing...

Leon: "Wow!!!"


Mr Robert: "You guys are armed with weapon that can take over a city!"

All the players were stunned seeing almost all the walls were filled with countless weapons, from Fire Arms to Cold weapons. All the class and type of weapons were present, even Supreme and Blood-Arrow were speechless.

The Room was as big as a basketball field. With all four walls filled with weapons.