Mr Supreme

"Michael?" Scar face turned to the handsome man who stopped in front of them.

"So you are the "handsome" she saved on her phone, saying the truth, you are really handsome. " Scar face nodded.

Michael frowned slightly and turned to Stella, who looked down in embarrassment, her face red like tomato.

He moved his gaze back to Scar face. "I see you are using my name to intimidate Non-players."


Now the six and everyone were dumbfounded.

"What is this guy saying?"

"Is he Supreme?"

"Let me take a look." A woman in a waitress's outfit walked forward, seeing Michael she froze.

"What is it?" Her fellow worker asked.

"That's the guy I was telling you about."

"You mean the handsome one? Who caught you staring at him?"

The lady glared at her friend. "Do you have to bring it up all the time?!"

"He is handsome, I now know why you stared for so long."