Poking A Sleeping Tiger

Michael knelt on the ground, his head down. "Everything I have done till now is to keep her safe, I joined VRG just to get lifetimes and the powers to protect her from dangers. Not this."

"Maybe that's not what she really needed." Chronos landed behind him.

"Perhaps, but… I thought I was going the right way, how did all this--"

"--You are going the right way, but one man can't defeat all these forces. You have an aid; but others don't. You should help those closest to you, those you trust to get stronger. I'm not saying you should look after everyone... I'm saying you should help them get stronger. For example; help your Guild Members."

Michael stood up. Chronos continued:

"To defeat this force, you need an army. Your Army... You can't get that by always moving alone, get this right; Not everyone deserves death, You can forgive some and they'll be forever grateful. Don't forget I said "Not everyone"."