Count Dracula

**Delicious.** The Man slowly licked his fingers, then focused his gaze on Michael.

**So Michael, or should I call you Supreme?** He smirked:

**You angered the Queen, that's the reason I'm here to punish you.**

"What made you think you can punish me?" Michael's eyes turned pure red.

**Hmm... I like that, At least someone is getting serious.** The man laughed.

"What happen here?" Michael asked with killing intent.

**Nothing Serious...**


[10 minutes ago]

"Family Head, there is nothing here." The chief guard announced, looking around the temple with a slight frown.

"True." The head looked around. "But that throne will worth a fortune." He said upon seeing the throne.

"Yes, but how are we going to get it down?" An elder asked.

"Easy, The chief guard can handle it." The third elder said.
