
"That was...?" He asked, staring at her with a smile.

"Unexpected." She grabbed the collar of his overcoat and pulled him towards her, closing his lips with hers.

Now, Michael was taken aback, well only for a second, before deepening the kiss ingraining her taste in his head, after a minute, the two finally separated to catch their breath.

"I love you, too." She said with a beautiful smile, while Michael blinked in mild surprised; he then pulled her in a tight embrace.

"So... Should we make it publicly known?" He asked.

Erika rested her head on his chest, "I'll go with whatever you choose."

"On second thought, let wait for a while, we have so many enemies. I don't want you, Mira or Maria to be in more danger."

Erika looked up at him: "I was thinking, now that Maria will be able to walk again, what if she joined VRG? She has been asking to join for a while now." She looked up at him.