Battles In Amerisa's Gates

[Fact: If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.]


[Amerisa's South Border.]

Fifty Military trucks stopped in front of a huge blue gate.

Commander Wang, and Vice Commander Celina got down from an Armored vehicle, both in Legendary-class Armors, with long swords hanging on their backs.


The soldiers standing in front of the gate saluted.

"Stay on guard, if we don't return in two hours, try and send word to the president."

"Yes Commander!!" The five soldiers yelled.

Commander Wang nodded at them, and walked inside the A-Rank gateway, with Celina and 100 soldiers, all with automatic rifles, which are effective against low level Monsters, but useless against Lv30 Monsters above.


[Amerisa's East Border.]

"Welcome Sir Daniel, Miss Jasmine, and Sir Karen." A soldier quickly greeted the Ghost Guild.