Battle Against The Giants 1

[18th city.]

A once beautiful city, surrounded by waters, which secluded it from the rest cities... For years, the people live their life peacefully, they all believe not interacting with the other cities is the only way they could stay away from trouble.

But... The S-Rank gateway showed them being secluded has it own risks, before the other cities forces could reach their distant island, The Giants who the waters prove useless to, walked up to their island, and started attacking...

...Because of their mindset, the strongest player in their city is a Gold medal holder, which was killed in one attack.

The leader of the Giants was a fearsome Giant with humans' skulls as his necklace, and a huge broadsword, which was 20 meters long.



A huge Axe smashed on a 30-storey building, splitting it into halves.