Trials To The Sovereign Medal 1


Michael moved with his best speed, covering hundreds of Miles in less than a minute, handing to the S-Rank gate, marked by the system.

After Minutes of flying, he finally got to the location, the first things he saw were Wolves... Not just any wolves.

"Scavengers Wolves?"

Micheal stared at the first Monsters he killed when he started VRG, with unreadable emotions.

The quills covered wolves looked up, spotting Michael above them, without hesitation, The quills on their body, shot towards him.


Michael blocked everything with his [Shield of Courage]

"I never knew they could do that... Well... The ones I fought are all Lv2, while these guys are Lv50... There'll surely be some difference."

The Twenty wolves' eyes blaze in rage, seeing their attacks easily blocked.

Michael grinned: "I would have been scared of you guys weeks back, but..." His grin widened.