Our New Journey Begins


Nemesis yelled in joy, as the rollercoaster moved with ten times its initial speed.


Mira and Maria who sat behind her exclaimed in total bliss, Enjoying the wind hitting their faces.

"Isn't this fun?!!" Jennifer asked, turning her head to Nemesis, who was smiling Brightly.

"This is so much Fun!! Yes!!"

Nemesis answered, rising her hands into the air.


"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!" She yelled, while Jennifer Chuckled.


[Back to Michael, and Erika.]

Seeing Michael laughing at her, Erika pouted, and looked away, folding her hands.


Seeing she was upset, Michael stopped laughing, he grabbed her waist, pulling her towards him.

"Come on now, don't tell me you are upset, I was just kidding."

Erika glared at him: "Kidding? You were laughing at me." She said in a low voice.

"Really? Are you sure about that?" He asked, staring at her in mild confusion.