Eyes In The Sky


Their voices were so loud that the hill Apate and the three commandments were standing on, cracked.

**Calm down both of you!!**

She yelled at them.

***How do you know this?***

Hades asked.

**I saw Lord Havoc In this realm... He said he was here to greet in lord, and later, I saw Michael using the skills belonging to Lord Tartarus... He can even summon the soul Soldiers!!**

Hades asked, his voice filled with dread:

***Soul Soldiers? Are they putting on black armors and has wings?***


Apate shook her head.

***That means they're not yet strong enough! We must kill him before he breaks through the rank of mortals and enter the immortal realm!!*** Hades yelled.

**Wait, What happens if he did?** Apate was getting confused.