
{Attack on Host's mind detected.}

{Protection Protocol Activated.}

Supreme sighed deeply, seeing the illusion turning into dust.

'I need to get out from here, or this message will come to past!!'

He slowly moved his gaze around; "We must find a way out from here!"

He looked at Leo. "Is your powers also...?"

"No, My Powers are all active."

"Same here." Potentate added.

"I can still use my powers." Mrs Shem said.

"Only four of us...?"

He moved his gaze around the huge space they're in, and sighed again. "There's only one thing to do."

The seven looked at him in confusion.

"Line everyone up!"

They looked at one another in mild confusion, then nodded...

...Some minutes later, All the victims of the mind attack were arranged on one spot, while Supreme activated his [Shadow World], Taking all of them in his world.

"Now, we can have the space to look for a way out!"