Eye Of... What???!!

[Throne Hall.]

The three Queens, and Gia walked inside the throne hall with Michael following behind them.

Michael moved his gaze around the huge golden hall, which was as big as a basketball stadium, and came to a stop, seeing a muscular man with pale skin, two backward curve obsidian horns, red eyes, and a tail; on a throne made from... Bones?

Michael was stunned.

The three Queens climbed the stairs, which led to the throne. Each of them kissed the man on his cheek, and stood beside him... Liliana on his right, and the other two on his left.

Michael moved his gaze to the three thrones beside the man and nodded. 'They preferred to stand than sit, how nice?'

"So you are Supreme, the Ruler Scarlet told me about." Darren opened his mouth, his voice as smooth as anything Michael had ever heard.

Saying the truth, the man in front of him was the most handsome man he had ever seen, in this situation, saying handsome was an understatement.