Three Months Later

[Three Months Later.]

[Amerisa's Ever high Collage.]

"Take these notes down, you'll be seeing it in the test, make sure to study them because this test score will be half of your semester's total score and points, do you all understand?"

The teacher, a middle age man with huge reading glasses, said to the class of 20 students.

"Yes, Teacher Zack!"

They answered in unison.

Zack moved his gaze around the students, and noticed a guy raising his hand.

"Yes, Carl?" He asked.

"Why are we still doing Algebra? Everyone heard the news AI announced two months ago, why don't we just stopped going to school and enter VRG to get stronger?!"

All the students turned to Carl, then at the teacher.

"Not everyone is like you, Carl--"

"--Ok, but AI said our world will be in danger soon, we need all the players in our world to help... Look, all the military, even policemen and women are already started VRG... I say we should join."