Hard Decision

Michael sat on his seat with a deep frown, the elders, Amerisa's founder, his disciples, and the rest of the group sat and stood all over the place, all staring at the sleeping Experimented Children.

After some minutes of silent, Tyson opened his mouth:

"What should we do? We can't send them back to their parents, and can't kill them."

Michael stared at him for some seconds, and turned his head to the children, then at Nia.

"What about the Scientist you mentioned?"

"I have sent someone to get her, she'll be here in less than an hour." Nia answered, relaxing on the couch.

"Don't worry General Michael, Supreme Brigade are escorting her copter as we speak." Robert said.

Michael nodded, and turned to the people.

"While we're waiting, let's think of a plan, and how to handle this issue... We must also make sure the Public don't get news of this... Not after we got everything stable."

"You're right, Kid." The founder nodded.