Prepare To Attack

"A spy?"

Everyone was stunned.

"You also made another mistake, and that's keeping your army outside, and bringing only 20 with you." Michael added.

Bidarka's face turned deadly paled, staring at Michael in terror.

"We are all here to fight for our freedom, and take back our people and territories... But you? Because of greed, you needed more... Your kingdom and People aren't enough for you... Don't worry, I won't wipe out your race, but you'll surely die."

"You can't kill me!! If you do, my soldiers will attack, and trust me, you won't survive... My men have already destroyed all your weapons, and poisoned your foods... Without food and weapons, you won't last long... Do you want to know the most fantastic thing?" She asked, looking up at Michael.

"Please, Enlighten us." Michael smiled, standing back up.