Michael didn't wait for any more words, and flew into the air, leaving Rhea, and Ophion behind.
"****This Human is really a fool, Well... A human will always be a Human, stupidity is in their blood.****" Ophion said.
"You!! He can get to this stage not because of stupidity, but because of his strength and quick thinking." Rhea disagreed.
"****Rhea, You came to my territory even though you know I could kill you, because of what? A human?****"
"No, I came here because of a god, not a human." Rhea replied, she fixed her gaze on him.
"Tell me, why are you after the fruit...? Although it increased lifespan, and longevity... And also aid in realm, It's completely useless to you. Because even if you eat a hundred, you won't escape the curse placed by the Supreme Queen... You'll die."
"****I know that, Queen Rhea... I really do. But I need the fruit.****"
Rhea narrowed her eyes, but was a little confused.