Michael looked around the new place he appeared in and raised an eyebrow.
"You got to be kidding me... A playground?" He asked in mild confusion.
"Sieben said the third, second and first are the strongest and always serious... But how can such people stay in a playground?"
Michael gripped his sword, hearing the surrounding giggles.
He moved his gaze on the toys and games on the ground, and looked up:
"Hey!! Show yourself!!"
The giggles only got louder.
"These... They're two?"
"**Hello, Ruler?**"
Michael sharply turned around, only to be stunned, seeing two 10 years old twins girls, staring at him with beautiful smiles on their faces.
"Are you?" He was speechless.
'Be careful master, I can sense a dense amount of energy from these two... They're both True Gods, and are concealing their energies from you.'