Bermuda Triangle!

The sound of metal hitting the ground rung out, as five figures in black armors, and helmets walked out from the gateway... Stunning the ground.


They all exclaimed.


Mira ran towards Reaper and gave him a hug. The hybrid was shocked by her action, and stood still, not knowing what to do... Only his lord have hugged him, but this was different.

Mira separated, and looked at the gateway, which closed afterward... With confusion, she turned back to Reaper.

"Where is big brother?" She asked.

"*The Lord is busy, but he's safe... And missing you all, that's why he sent us here.*" Reaper replied... Making sure to calm, and reassure the group.

Mira sigh softly... Although she misses her brother, she knew it's not yet time to reunite... But Reaper and the others' appearance gave her an idea.

"Bestie! What about Reaper and these guys come with us...? They'll keep us safe."