[One Month later In the Pagoda.]
{Congratulations, Host gained Eins.}
Michael slowly opened his golden eyes, and with a thought, a red light flew out from him, and formed Eins, the first Blade.
Eins want down on one knee, and bowed.
"My family are in a game, go and test them out... World; "No man's land" Leave."
Eins stood up, and disappeared from the chamber.
{What's your plan Host?}
"Just want to see their progress." He said, and closed his eyes again.
"Nine more to go."
It took the group a whole one hour before reaching the exit of the green forest...
"Finally Out!!"
The moment Niki said that, a dense amount of Abyssal energy appeared on the location of the trees, and moved all over the land.
Shenras and the walkers were stunned, feeling so much amount of Abyssal energy.