Gifts From Michael

"What the fuck are you saying, Erika?! More than a hundred thousand monsters! And they're all above Lv50!! Don't you think that's suicidal?!!" Queen-of-death yelled at her.

"So...? We can't get anywhere by hiding, If we want to get stronger, we'll have to go big!"

Blood-Arrow turned to the players:

"Why are you all scared?! If you don't know this, Let me tell you... There are gods, evil gods out there that are after our lives, by hiding and trading in safety... We won't get anywhere!! Look at my love, your Guild Master, and Supreme! If he's always hiding behind others, do you think he'll be the strongest...?!"

Queen-of-death, Aaron and the group remained silent, thinking about her word... After some seconds, some slowly nodded their heads.

"Hate to admit it, you're right, but it's dangerous... Wait, what type of monsters did you see?" Red-Encounter asked.

"The demons we faced." Blood-Arrow answered.
