
The players and Aaron increased their speed, entering the gods' grave without even knowing it.


The group felt a chill ran down their spine, making them stop on track. They moved their gazes on the barren landscape around them, with bones shattered all over the place.

"Where are we?" White-death asked, sitting on her eagle.

"I think this is the gods' grave." Dark-angel, who sat beside her answered.

"Ok everyone! Stay on guard!"

Queen-of-death looked over her shoulder, staring at the tiger running towards them... She nodded, and looked away.

"Let's move, Keep up the pace, but make sure not to make any noise."

With that said, Garuda moved forward, the players, followed behind, both airborne and on land.

Aaron who was flying beside her, moved his calm gaze around the place, and shook his head:

"We won't make it."


Queen-of-death raised an eyebrow, turning her head towards Aaron.