The players fell face down to the hard ground... Without hesitation, they shot to their feet, turning to the gateway.
"Where are the others?"
Aaron asked in mild confusion, staring at the gateway, 5 meters above them.
Drakon flew out from the gateway. He moved above the players, and landed some meters away.
Then Blood-Arrow, Queen-of-death and Red-Encounter flew out, and the gateway closed behind them.
"Wait, Where is Borne, and Dink?" Shadow asked in mild confusion.
The elders all turned their heads to Drakon, and frowned seeing White-death, Dark-angel and Scarlett climbing down his wing, their faces...
"WHAT HAPPENED?!!!" Specter yelled at the group.
"They're dead."
Blood-Arrow said in a low voice, walking towards them.
The word exploded in their heads like a dynamic. They stood frozen, not knowing what to say or do.