The whole world watched as the triangle opened wide, and three ladies with red skin, eyes, and wings flew out from it... They were in red armor, with swords hanging on their waists.
The Reporter was stunned.
The founders looked up at the five gates, seeing more than ten thousands figures, all in armors... Weapons ready.
The founders took a step back in shock... They stared at one another, and turned to the helicopter.
The Reporter watched in horror, as the first founder waved his hand, instantly creating a powerful wind current, which push them away.
That was the only thing Michael saw before the screen turned black.
"Hmm... Those three are the Erinyes, Celestial-Class figures..." Michael turned to Commander Wang.
"Where are our forces?"
"General Michael; we figured, instead of going to them, why not wait for them? So our forces are waiting for them at the shore."