Battle In Hell 1

Joker, command Wang, The President, and governor all turned to Erika and Jennifer.

"Who is Michael?" The governor asked.

"Yes, why is he referred to as "Ruler"?" Joker added.

"He now even has lords and what did he call those one... Blades." Commander Wang muttered.

Jennifer, and Erika sighed, while Erika turned to Jennifer... She was more knowledgeable about these types of things.

Jennifer nodded, and opened her mouth:

"As you all know, Michael is above the Sovereign medal... He is now a Primordial sage... A power far higher than any realm... I mean rank. In the whole universe, he is referred to as Ruler, because Micky is now a King... The King of the Abyssal, and those guys you saw, are his Lords."

"A King, does that mean he has an army?" Commander Wang asked, his tone filled urgency.

"Yes... I don't know the strength of his army, but I know they past a Million."