Michael stopped, and moved his gaze on the battlefield...
{Walkers have been destroyed.}
{Number of walkers: 145,998.}
Michael's eyes widened in shock, seeing the high amount of walkers destroyed.
He turned his head to Cerberus and the Nemean Lion, who were busy shattering the walkers Into smokes.
"This is interesting."
He smiled:
The two five meters tall Celestial-Class monsters turned to Michael.
Cerberus let out a fearsome roar, and shot forward... Charging towards Michael with an unbelievable speed.
It appeared in front of Michael, jaws wide opened, claws stretched forth.
"So foolish."
Michael shook his head in boredom, and casually waved his hand... A force struck Cerberus, throwing the three-headed dog to the side.
"If it's in the past, I would be scared of you."
Michael turned around to the dog, who shakily stood up from the ground.
"But now..."