[God's Realm.]
[Divine Pantheon.]
The gods looked at the huge screen before them, with countless emotions on their faces, mostly dread.
"What's Chronos's plan?! Why did he ask us not to stop these fools!!" Zeus yelled, moving his gaze on the gods.
"Don't know. I'm also confused... The Supreme Queen knows what's happening, but she isn't doing anything." Nyx turned to her husband:
"Do you think she..."
"Don't know... She is silent, which means she wants Typhon released."
"Ok, Erebus! But why?" Hemara asked.
"That's the general question, the supreme Queen is already unpredictable... But she won't let the universe she created get destroy, or will she?" Hera asked.
"I'm not sure, As you said; she is pretty unpredictable." Eros sighed softly.
"Why are you all scared? Do you think Typhon can win, now that we Have Michael beside us?" Demeter asked, moving her gaze around.
A tense silence fell on the hall.