Chapter 142

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"I didn't ask for your help, Stussy," Morgans said, his shrewd eyes moving slightly to rest on the elegant beauty who had walked to his side.

As a very astute emperor of the underground world, Morgans preemptively dismissed any notion of owing Stussy a favor before she even spoke.

She was, after all, the cold-blooded Queen of the Pleasure District with intricate ties to CP0, the secret intelligence agency directly under the Celestial Dragons.

Owing a favor to such a person was not easy to repay!

"Don't be so tense. I'm just curious to see what kind of people dare to attack even your World Economic News agency," Stussy said, tracing a finger with red nail polish along her lips and gazing at the young swordsman standing opposite her with interest.

Hearing this, Zyhark shrugged expressionlessly and pointed to the foolish goddess on the Endless Dream behind him.

"As you can see, it's that smart-looking pretty woman."

From Stussy's cold eyes, it wasn't hard to discern that this clone of Rocks Pirate member Buckin (Miss Buckin), known as Stussy, was exuding a clear intent to attack.

To deal with these seasoned veterans of the pirate world and even get them to become his allies, the most crucial and straightforward way was to show strength.

Therefore, a fight was inevitable.

Given that, the one who should take the blame for firing at the news agency's airship was the actual culprit, Aqua.

This time, he sold out the foolish goddess so thoroughly she couldn't find her underwear… not that she wore any.

"What? Zyhark, you're too cowardly! We're partners, brothers in arms!" Aqua exclaimed loudly, cursing. "Even if it's true that I did it, shouldn't you shoulder the blame in this situation? Where's your sense of responsibility and duty as a man?"

Now she remembered their bond. After spending so much time with Zyhark, she had picked up a lot of interesting new terms, even casually using "cowardly."

"If it were a soft and cute girl, I might consider my sense of duty and responsibility as a man," Zyhark said, turning to Aqua.

But alas, the foolish goddess was not human, and she exuded wisdom!

Meanwhile, Zyhark's Observation Haki enhanced with his electrical waves was on alert, monitoring Stussy and her group.

Aqua crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes, sighing meaningfully, "Wow, Zyhark, I didn't expect you to have that kind of taste."

Zyhark didn't respond further.

Because his electric grid had already detected the enemy's move.

"Knowing the names of Morgans and myself, yet daring to expose your back to us—you're an arrogant one!"

With long legs kicking up airwaves, the stern-faced Stussy used Moonwalk, one of the Six Powers, to rush at Zyhark.

With red light flickering in his eyes, Zyhark turned calmly, his two swords overlapping as he slashed diagonally from above.

At the same time, Stussy, stepping on Moonwalk, had already reached him, her long leg covered in Armament Haki kicking down.


Her high heel, turned black by Haki, collided heavily with the crossed blades, sending out waves of impact.

Being a skilled CP member, Stussy wasn't flustered when her attack was blocked. Twisting her slender waist, she performed a graceful mid-air spin to gain speed, and her other leg drew a beautiful arc.

"Tempest Kick!"

A sharp crescent-shaped shockwave swept towards Zyhark's face.


In Stussy's slightly surprised eyes, with a low shout, Zyhark's figure disappeared from his original spot.

Dodging the crescent-shaped shockwave, he reappeared behind the airborne Stussy, and with no mercy, swung his Sandai Kitetsu down!

"Paper Arts: Remnant."

A red light flickered in Stussy's eyes as her tall figure became as light and fragile as paper.

Leaving a flat image behind, she skillfully dodged the incoming slash.

Then, transforming back to flesh, she raised her right index finger, aiming at Zyhark's heart, and fired a barrage of flying finger guns.

"Flying Finger Gun: Rain!"

Facing this attack, which wasn't very destructive, Zyhark smirked and opened his arms, choosing not to dodge.

Like the forward Shave, relying on his robust body, he tensed all his muscles and stood firm.

A strange confidence surged through him, compelling him to shout, "Iron Body!"

Pop, pop, pop!

The dense barrage of flying finger guns hit his chest, not strong enough to break his defense, only causing a "quite painful" feeling.

After several enhancements from the Wishing Pool and the growth from numerous battles, Zyhark's physical strength, though still not comparable to Kaido's, was quite impressive.

Of course, the main reason was that Stussy hadn't used her full strength.

'Is this guy also a CP member, or some hidden identity Navy officer?'

Gracefully landing on the airship's railing, Stussy kept her eyes fixed on Zyhark.

Although it was odd, he indeed hadn't used Armament Haki.

In other words, he really took all those Flying Finger Guns head-on with just Iron Body?

Or purely with his physical strength?

Except for his average strength, his speed, defense, reaction, dual Haki, and sword skills were all not weak. Was such a newcomer really from the weakest East Blue?

Stussy couldn't help but wonder.

To find answers, she decided to take things seriously and play with this young man a bit.


Her blue eyes gradually changed, turning into the bloodthirsty red of a vampire.

Her black wings faintly emerged, and her fangs appeared, adding a ferocious beauty to her already cold and charming demeanor.

"Enhanced Shave!"

Before Zyhark could "react," she, with her greatly enhanced speed, appeared behind him in a blink.

Her pale arms wrapped around Zyhark, and her sharp fangs drew a cold arc in the air, piercing straight into his neck.

Her transformed fangs had the ability to put her victims into a deep sleep instantly.

Even awakened Zoan ability users with strong wills couldn't resist… Wait!

What was this tingling, electric sensation from the contact point?

(End of Chapter)