
Fang and Pitt stopped by a gas station on their way back to the mansion. Fang's eyes scanned the surroundings, glazing over the hobbling horde of homeless people loitering outside the store.

Pitt stepped out the car and paid for gas. It was when the click of the gas pump's trigger met Fang's ears that he saw a young woman, running through the streets, her black tank top and blue jeans stained with blood, as well as her face and her hair.

Fang kept watching, and he saw a black SUV pull up so fast that it could have caused an accident. It stopped with a screech and a smoke trail was left in its wake. Two men in grey suits stepped out holding handguns, both of them aiming at the woman running for her life.

"Kill that bitch!" One of the men shouted.

They followed her into a nearby parking garage, and their forms disappeared into the darkness. Fang's hand went for the door handle, but he hesitated. He knew that it really wasn't any of his business; yet still, he felt called, somehow… Watching this strange woman flee for her life, he couldn't help but want her to live another day, to save her.

"Always gotta be a fuckin' hero, Fang," he said, finally getting out of the car and walking around to the driver's side. He adjusted the seat and the mirrors, fastened his seatbelt, and put the car in "Drive" before pulling out of the gas station parking lot, muttering, "Sorry about this, Pitt, gotta do somethin'."

Fang took a left out the parking lot, following the trail of the pursuers who had went into the parking garage. Turning right up ahead, he too entered the shade of the garage, and he peered to see any sign of the woman or her attackers.

"We know you're in here, cunt!" A voice echoed out.

"Come on out, sweetheart, we're not gonna do anything to you… yet!"

There was a burst of laughter, and Fang followed the noise, going around rows of cars and stone pillars until finally he caught sight of the attackers. One was an average-looking punk with a big, crooked nose wielding a pocket knife, and the other guy was BIG, his stomach reminding Fang of a sumo wrestler, and he had a unibrow.

Fang waded in the shadows, watching, slowly inching towards the two men with slow, steady steps, being extra careful not to make too much noise.

"Aha! Found ya, slut!" The punk with the knife exclaimed as he reached under a jeep, pulling out the woman they had been chasing. Fang paused, catching his breath in his throat as he got a better look at her.

The woman had light skin, long, chestnut brown hair, which looked like she had curled herself. Her eyes, although as green as emeralds and just as enchanting, reflected an intense fear and an indescribable sadness.

"No! Please! Stop, I'm begging you, please!" The woman wailed and kicked as the men grabbed her.

Fang burst into action. He bolted right towards the punk with the knife and delivered a soaring dropkick, sending the man flying and hitting the ground face first. The fat guy stared in shock of what had just happened for a moment, but resumed his composure.

"You don't know who you're fucking with, do you?" The man growled, pulling out a 9mm handgun from his pants. Fang quickly disarmed him, then brought the gun up to his neck in return.

"Let her go." Fang commanded, pressing the barrel of the gun deeper into the man's flubbery neck.

"Okay, I'll let her go, just please don't kill me, please!" The man pleaded, his eyes becoming desperate and watery. "I'll let her go, man, I swear. You won't see me again."

Fang Lang kept the gun against the man's neck, and looked at the girl. She stood there, watching, her eyes still fearful. Fang lowered the gun, but then gave a hard pistol whip to the side of the man's head. The man yelped and held his head, his cries becoming more vulnerable. He cowered in fear, shaking as he pissed his pants. Fang grimaced as he saw the dark stain forming on the man's grey pants.

"Just get the hell out of here. Go!" Fang barked.

The man ran away still holding his head, his massive body jiggling and rippling as he went.

Fang's eyes shifted to the woman he had just saved. She looked at him with an expression of obvious suspicion, but there was also deep gratitude in the way she pursed her lips.

"Thank you…" she said, wrapping her arms around herself. Making eye contact with her, Fang literally felt his heart rate increase. She was even more stunning up close.

"Y-yeah, no problem…" Fang nodded, his face remaining pale and cold as ever. "Do you… need a ride home?"

"No… I'm okay." The woman just smiled calmly, the kind of smile that Fang knew meant she was lying unashamedly.

"Okay… you be safe, then." Fang said, offering a handshake as a resolution to their little escapade.

The woman smirked, taking his hand in hers.

"I'm Fang Lang of the Xuan Ye tong," Fang said resolutely.

The woman smiled, a look of intrigue in her eye. "Victoria Vasquez."

"I hope you can still find some peace after all this." Fang offered sympathy.

Victoria giggled, reaching in her bra and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. "Oh, this? This is nothing." She lit one, and raised it to her lips, inhaling the smoke with such elegance that Fang stopped and stared for a moment. She was covered in blood, hair ruined, makeup ruined by tears, and even her clothes were torn, yet for some reason she looked more beautiful than any woman he'd seen in his life.

"Want a smoke?" Victoria offered, holding out a cigarette.

"Ah— nah, I'm good, thanks," Fang declined casually, waving his hand. "I don't smoke."

"Oh yeah? Good for you, buddy. Listen, thanks for saving my ass and everything but I gotta get home. See you later?" Victoria offered a wry smile, the kind that told Fang that he probably wouldn't be seeing her later, but he nodded anyway.

"Yeah. Later." Fang waved, and walked back to the car.

"Wait… hold on, Fang!"

Fang whirled around to see Victoria Vasquez jogging back towards him.

"Lemme give you my number."