Booty Call

Fang and Bully returned to Shepherd's room, delivering their earnings. Shepherd was working out, so he didn't have much time to entertain them. Afterward, Fang headed to the kitchen for an afternoon snack, grabbing some microwaveable chicken nuggets, pouring himself a glass of water, and settling in the living room. Pitt was engrossed in playing GTA 6 on his PS5, his fingers stained with Taki dust, a bag of Takis at his side. Dane and Dober lounged on the couch, Dober on his phone and Dane puffing on a blunt.

With his snacks in hand, Fang joined them at the table, setting down his food. He watched Pitt skillfully maneuver through the game, taking down a mob of gang members with a pistol, and applauded.

"Damn! It looks so realistic," Fang remarked, praising the game's graphics and performance. "Feels like forever since I've played a video game. It's amazing to see how they've evolved." Pitt smirked, focused on his gameplay.

"Watch this," Pitt said, before blowing someone's head clean off with a shot gun. Fang whistled, and plopped a chicken nugget in his mouth.

"That's crazy," Fang said casually mid-chew, then he picked up his glass of water and took a mild sip.

"Wanna hit that?" Dane's voice came from beside Fang. He held out the half-smoked blunt, and Fang looked to see that he already was rolling another one in his other hand.

Fang declined. "Nah, not right now, thanks though."

"You the type to smoke only on occasions, huh?" Dane teased, handing the blunt behind Fang's back to Dober.

Fang shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah, I guess so. Only when I'm in the mood. So what?"

Dane shook his head, grinning. "Nun'." He chuckled.


Fang's phone went off. He picked it up, stuffing two chicken nuggets in his mouth. His heart skipped a beat as he saw that it was a message from Lucy Harris.

Message from Lucy:

'Hey zaddyyy'

Fang smirked.

Message to Lucy:

'Good morning, Lucy. What's up?'


Message from Lucy:

'Wdym "what's up" come here and gimme that dick tf'

Fang could feel his heart rate increase. He looked around the living room at his comrades. They were all consumed in their own activities. He finally texted back.

Message to Lucy:

'Where's your place?'


Message from Lucy:

'North Bay Village.'


Another message came through. It was a video of Lucy standing in front of a mirror, turning around different angles and displaying her naked body. Her curves seemed to beckon for Fang to come caress them.

Fang wasted no time in leaving the mansion and walking out into the streets of Miami. He hailed a taxi, getting inside and requesting they head to North Bay Village. For a moment, an image of the mangled taxi driver that Cassidy killed flashed in his mind, and he blinked away the unpleasant memory.

"North Bay Village, sure, I know it. Hey, you alright, man?" The taxi driver, a Middle Eastern man with a Wolverine-like beard and a stylish haircut, eyed him through the rear view mirror suspiciously. "You look like you've seen a ghost." His accent was thick.

Fang tried a small smile, returning his gaze. "I'm fine, thanks."

"My name is Ahmed. Ahmed Patel. I came from Saudi Arabia with my wife and two children, and now I'm a taxi driver. It is a pleasure to travel with you, sir. Enjoy the ride!"

Fang smirked at the man's impeccable and unique customer service. "Thanks, I will."

On his way to North Bay Village, Fang received the genuine address. Upon finally arriving at Lucy's residence, he found himself facing a suburban-style home with a roundabout driveway. He sighed and glanced up at the sky; it was noon.

'I've got a few hours to spare,' he thought. Approaching the door to the house, Fang rang the doorbell. After a brief moment, the door swung open, revealing Lucy, who wore a black crop top and red and black plaid sweatpants. She greeted him with a smile and gestured for him to come inside."Took you long enough, baby," she teased.

Fang smirked. "Busy man, remember?"


Lucy's home exuded a cozy yet modern charm. As Fang entered, he was greeted by a spacious foyer adorned with tasteful decor. The walls were painted in soothing neutral tones, complemented by warm wooden flooring that stretched throughout the house. Soft ambient lighting created a welcoming atmosphere.

The living room, situated to the right of the foyer, boasted plush furniture arranged around a sleek coffee table. A large, flat-screen TV adorned one wall, offering entertainment options. Vibrant throw pillows added pops of color to the neutral-colored couches, while a plush area rug tied the space together.

Adjacent to the living room was a stylish kitchen, featuring granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and ample storage space. A cozy breakfast nook nestled near the window provided the perfect spot for casual dining or enjoying a cup of coffee.

Lucy led Fang through the hallway, revealing a series of well-appointed bedrooms and bathrooms. Each room was thoughtfully decorated with personal touches. Artwork adorned the walls, and fresh flowers added a touch of elegance to the space.

Finally, Lucy led Fang to the backyard, where a beautifully landscaped garden awaited. Lush greenery, blooming flowers, and a tranquil fountain created a peaceful oasis. A comfortable patio set offered the perfect place to relax and enjoy the serene surroundings.

"Quite a place you have here," Fang said, scratching the back of his head. The two of them stood beneath the afternoon sun, gazing at the flowers. "What do you do for a living?"

Lucy smiled. "I'm a model."

"A model?" Fang smirked. "What, like runway?"

"Bikini," Lucy corrected, giggling. "Bikini model."

Fang went silent for a moment as the image of Lucy's body in a bikini intruded in his thoughts. He felt his face warm up, and he blushed, turning away a bit and looking off into the distance. "Damn. Up until now, chicks like models have been pretty much out of my league. In Hong Kong, the best I could hope for was a loud whore down at the bothrel."

Lucy giggled. "You're honest. I like that about you, K-9."

Fang shrugged, returning his gaze back to the flowers. "My former Master, Xuan Ye, taught me to be that way. When I was a boy, I was nothing but a desperate street rat. A petty thief, at best. But he found me, took me in, raised me, and he didn't just teach me how to fight… he taught me how to simply be a man."

Fang's eyes flickered with the nostalgic memory of Xuan Ye's readied fists. Lucy's eyes glided over him curiously, as if she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"This Xuan Ye guy…" Lucy said, laughing. "Seems like a pretty chill nigga, from what it sounds like."

"Chillest of them all."

Lucy giggled and grabbed Fang's arm. He turned and met her gaze, and they exchanged an intimate stare for a few seconds. Fang felt his heart skip a beat.

Lucy spoke softly. "Let's go inside. To my room."

Fang nodded, matching her gentle tone. "Okay."