The restaurant was filled with great silence as their gazes locked intensely. Riccardo's dark expression sent an immense fear into Adriana's system. His eyes were neither filled with hatred or anger, it was just… Blank.

Riccardo finally broke the long contact and began taking slow steps towards her. Each steps he took sent spirals of fear down into Adriana's body.

He had never expected to see her after that night years ago. When he saw her entering the restaurant the previous day, the feelings he had harbored deep down within him resurfaced again and he knew she had to pay for her crimes.

He wanted to make her suffer, to feel the pain he went through for years. To make her go through hell just like she had done to him.

When he got to her front, Adriana made an attempt to step back but he immediately caught her waist, dragging her to his chest as their gazes locked all over again.

He wasn't saying a word, just staring down at her. Adriana couldn't look away from his eyes, the eyes that haunted her every night.

"Riccardo," she called again, but this time in a whisper. She wanted nothing more but to just crash into his arms, let out her fears and apologies. She wanted to hear his soothing voice, telling her everything will be fine just like he had always done.

But now, things are different. She dared not move an inch as their bodies were colliding against each other.

Instead, she tried to free herself from his grasp but his grip only tightened around her.

"Don't you dare take a move," he growled and she shivered. His voice sounded dangerous and she concluded within her that the once loving Riccardo was gone. This was a devil, a dangerous one.

She watched as he looked around the restaurant before his gaze settled on her.

"So, this was it?" He let out a dry chuckle and she bit her lower lip.

"The better life you were talking about?" He asked again.

"Riccardo," she tried to say but the next thing she felt was his lips on hers, kissing her aggressively.

Even though she wanted nothing but to kiss those lips of his the moment he stepped into the restaurant, she couldn't bring herself to respond to the kiss.

It was aggressive, he was biting her lips as his tongue probed into her mouth, tasting every inch of her month.

Adriana had no time to breathe, the moment she tasted her own blood, she knew she had to push him away. And she did, her hand grasped his shoulder and she pushed him from her with all her might.

Tears stung her eyes as she felt her lips trembling. He never felt remorseful, instead he had a devilish smirk on his face.

"You should have had a rethink before doing that," he said casually as though he hadn't almost choked her to death some seconds ago.

"I was left with no choice," Adriana's lips quivered as she spoke. Her eyes were filled with her own tears as the memories flowed back into her mind.

"Do you know what I went through? It was hard for me!" She suddenly yelled, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"I…. I loved you, you were my everything. I could die for you, I swear! I…" the rest of the words caught up in her throat as his hand suddenly gripped her neck, choking her.

"You could die for me? You're such a pretty liar, Adriana. And, I'll make you pay for everything you've done, I'll make you experience hell, mark my words," he growled while she struggled to breath under his tight grip.

"I… I can't… breathe," Adriana choked out and the next second, she felt herself crashing on the cold floor.

"I'll be back for you…" With that, he turned and walked out of the restaurant, leaving her shattered on the floor.

Adriana held her neck which was already red from his tight grip. With her lips trembling, she cried her heart out.

The sight of him was terrifying. He never gave her the chance to explain herself. What the hell was she talking about? It's been more than five years, if she could look at the other side, she was the real devil not him.


After gathering herself together, she closed the restaurant and headed home. All through, he was on her mind. His words rang back in her ears and she wondered what he meant by he'd be back for her.

Her thoughts were disrupted by the ringing of her phone. She needed no one to tell her that it was her kids calling, but how could she pick it when she wasn't in her right state of mind? Her kids could sense she wasn't fine through her voice and she knew them, they wouldn't hesitate to return home immediately.

Instead, she picked her phone and sent a message. * Mommy is busy now, I'll call tomorrow* the message reads.

Meanwhile, Emelio and Emiliano wasn't happy with the message they had just received, they wanted to hear her voice so badly but they knew she could have been tired from work.

"Okay, Mommy. Have a nice night, we love you!" They sent it to her.

Adriana only smiled when she saw that message. She covered herself with the duvet as she tried to get the events of the day out of her mind.



As usual, the restaurant was filled with different people having their meal. Adriana had no time to think about herself as she tried her best to meet her customer's demands.

Managing the restaurant wasn't easy and she had concluded to hire a worker who would be helping her out with the chores.

The day ended just like every other days, Adriana cleaned the restaurants and washed all the dishes.

After she was done, she closed the shop after switching off the light.

It was past 9pm, an unusual time for her to close her restaurant. But what could she do, the customers couldn't stop coming and she had no choice but to stay late. Her kids weren't around so it's all fine.

As she walked to the bus station, she clutched her bag to her tightly as she suddenly noticed two figures trailing behind her.

This was the reason why she hated staying late at the restaurant, there are always some perverts lurking around the streets every night.

Her heart almost leapt out of her chest when she felt their footsteps behind her. The first thing that came to her mind was her kids, they'd never take it easy if something should happen to her.

The moment she tried to hasten her steps, she felt something hard against her chest and the last thing she could remember was the thugs hurling her away roughly.



"We've brought her with us, Don." Adriana heard as she struggled to open her eyes. Don? Like, a Mafia?

"Leave her and take your leave," the familiar voice she heard snapped her eyes open instantly.

Her eyes went to the familiar figure by the window and the moment he turned, her eyes widened.

His eyes locked with hers and he smiled, that devilish smile of his.

"I told you I'll be back for you," were the words that came out of his lips. The words which sent Adriana into a state of confusion.