The dimly lit room was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the rapid beating of Adriana's heart. The scent of cigar smoke hung heavily in the air as she stood frozen, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and disbelief.

There he was. The man she had tried so hard to escape from. His dark eyes pierced into hers as he puffed out smoke from his mouth.

Her eyes widened in terror, and she felt her breath caught up in her throat. She couldn't move, frozen in place by the fear coursing through her body.

How the hell did he find out about her house? How the heck did he even have access into the house? These thoughts swirled in her mind and Adriana could swear she was almost going crazy.

He stood up and as he approached her, she felt her legs begin to tremble. What was he going to do with her? He had just caught her red-handed and she had no excuse to give.

She wanted to run, but she couldn't move. She was trapped, like a deer in the headlights. All she could do was watch as he drew closer and closer, until he was standing right in front of her. And then, he spoke.

"I told you that you couldn't escape me," he said, his voice low and menacing.

Adriana's heart was racing so fast, she thought it might burst out of her chest. He was so close, she could feel his breath on her face. And then, he reached out and grabbed her arm. She gasped, her whole body shaking. She tried to pull away, but he was too strong. He held her fast, his grip like iron.

"You rebelled!" He said in a dark whisper. Adriana shook her head vehemently as she struggled for words to say.

She hadn't expected to be caught so easily. She had planned to run over to Alessia's place the next day and then relocate to another side of the town just to be away from him, but it was all her wishful thinking.

Riccardo watched the woman who was trembling beneath him obviously in fear. His eyes shone with fury, all he wanted to do at that moment was to punish her. He shouldn't have been lenient with her, he shouldn't have trusted her for the second time. Not after everything she had done.

Earlier, he had received a call from Ambra, informing him of Adriana's suspicious moves. And as he had expected, she intended to escape the clan.

But, he had everything prepared in store for her. He wasn't a Mafia Don for anything, all he did was to wait for her in the house while she walked right into the trap. Just like the gullible woman she was and she did.

"And your reward for that? You'll find out!" He banged the wall beside her such that Adriana's whole body shook with fear.

"Come in!" He barked. The door flung open, the force used by the men trooping in almost made Adriana fall but Riccardo's grip on her made her stand still.

"Take her back to the clan and await my order!" Riccardo ordered loudly. The man instantly grabbed Adriana who found her lost voice that moment.

"No, Riccardo! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" Her pleas fell on deaf ears as she was dragged away roughly by the men.

Riccardo brushed his hair to the back roughly, his eyes going forth and back around the room. His eyes darkened for just a brief moment before he gained his composure. Then, he walked out of the room.


Adriana thrashed her body as she was dragged outside by the men. She stopped struggling when she saw the driver waiting for them was none other than the taxi driver!

Then, reality dawned on her. Riccardo had it planned all along, he knew her plans and he already prepared everything in stock for her, and she stupidly fell for it. No wonder the mansion was unusually silent, she should have known by then, but the thought of escaping from them blinded all her sense of reasoning.

Roughly, she was pushed into the black Limousine which was outside and moments later, Riccardo joined her. He sat down beside her and the car drove off instantly.

Adriana's eyes lingered on her house till the sight disappeared. She was so close. So close.

Her eyes went to the man who was beside her, operating on his phone. The way he had gripped her arm moments ago made her shudder.

"I hate you," she whispered as her eyes got wet. He stopped what he was doing and glanced at her.

"I hate you so much," she added, her tears trickling down her already wet cheeks.

Riccardo smiled smugly and scooted closer to her. He raised his hand and touched her wet cheek, she didn't move. She only sat there with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You know… Every damn thing in this life comes with a price, Mia amata {My beloved}" he ran his fingertips on her cheek, his icy blue orbs peering into her own.

"Your reasons why I'm being held captive here?" She inquired, her voice shaking with emotions. Her eyes held nothing but fear in them. This wasn't the man she knew, this one is totally different - A Mafia

"You left me at my worst, you ruined me. Now, it's my turn to do so, Mia amata" he said slowly, a cruel expression on his face.

"I'm sorry…" a low whisper tore out of her lips but he let out a laugh, one which didn't seem to reach his eyes.

"It's too late… Too late, Mi amata" his voice rang back in her ears a million times and more tears slipped out of her eyes.

He moved away and resumed operating on his phone, while she sat there crying silently. He had made her understand she was paying for her sins. But, how could explain herself when he wasn't even giving her a listening ear?

Finally, they arrived at the mansion and a cold feeling washed over Adriana. She was back. Back to the place she had escaped moments ago.

As the car drove through the driveway, Adriana saw men loaded with guns parading the whole place. This wasn't how it was when she had escaped. Clearly, it was a plan all along.

The limousine came to a halt and one of the men quickly opened the car door for Riccardo who alighted elegantly.

Adriana came down at the other end, clutching her dress tightly. Ambra approached them with a mocking smile playing on her lips.

"I'm glad you caught her, Don," she smiled. Adriana blinked her eyes in confusion. Was she the one? The person who sold her out?

"We caught the spy selling our information out," Bullet informed as he stood beside Ambra who had her arm crossed across her chest.

"Take me there," Riccardo walked away while Bullet led the way.

"What are you doing? Follow us!" Ambra growled just exactly like a Boss woman and Adriana scowled. She'd surely get back at her, it's a must.

She followed Ambra behind as they walked through a passage she never knew about. She thought she had known all the corners of the mansion, but she was actually wrong.

They walked through a short cave before they finally got to a door built with strong iron. From inside, Adriana could hear the howl of someone in pain.

Bullet opened the door and they all walked into the room. Adriana grimaced when she saw the state of a man chained to the wall. He was upside down. His legs were hanging up in the air while his head was down, he was red in the face.

"Boss! Boss!" He screamed when Riccardo approached him.

"You look so pathetic," Riccardo stated as he walked to where different tools were kept. Adriana shuddered when he picked a sharp blade, which shone in the not so dark room. She watched as he ran his hand along it, her head shaking in disbelief and fear.

Riccardo walked back to where the man was. He raised the blade and stared at it with piqued interest.

"Why did you do that? Be fast with your words as I'm afraid my patience is running out," how his voice was calm in a situation as this surprised Adriana.

"He threatened to sell us out," the man blurted out. Riccardo released a short laugh as he continued running his hand along the sharp blade.

"So, you decided to sell us out instead? Interesting," he nods his head.

The man's eyes darted forward between the blade and Adriana. He was struggling to breathe, he could feel his blood rushing to every part of his face. His body was covered with scars, deep ones.

Adriana almost peed on her pants. She turned and looked at Ambra. She had expected Ambra to look horrified just as she is, but instead, Ambra had a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry. I had no choice, please forgive me!" The man pleaded.

"Of course I'm going to forgive you," Riccardo murmured slowly. He turned and stared at Adriana whose eyes were wide in horror.

"But, I only need you as an experiment. A warning to someone never to mess with me again." At the sound of that, Adriana stared at him and their eyes locked.

He only smirked before looking away. Slowly, he raised the blade while the man prepared himself for the worst.

"Greet the devil for me in hell," with that, he sliced the man's neck and it dropped on the floor, rolling to where Adriana stood.

Adriana's pupils dilated in shock as she took in the sight of the head in front of her.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!" A high scream left her lips. She lost her balance and fell to the floor, losing her consciousness instantly.

Riccardo stared at the blade which was stained with the man's blood, his eyes bloodshot.

"Take her back to the room!" His voice boomed around the whole place.


The next morning came. Adriana was still in the bed, the horrific scene of the headless man replaying in her head as a nightmare. She had even dreamt of Riccardo slicing her head too and feeding it to the dogs.

Her body shook with that and her eyes flew open instantly. She breathed out in relief when she realized it was a dream. But, as soon as her eyes went across the other side of the room, her breath seized instantly.

There he was, the devil. Fear consumed her whole body immediately as he whirled around and stared at her.

Slowly, he began walking towards her and the scene of him beheading the man replayed in her head.

"Don't come closer! Don't!" She screamed, her eyes holding nothing but fear in them.