Ambra could feel her heart pounding in her

chest as she stood frozen in place, unable to move. The sound of her rapid breathing filled the room, and she could feel the sweat forming on her palms. Her mind was racing, unable to process the situation she found herself in.

All she could think about was the danger that was right in front of her, and the terrible consequences that might come from it. She felt trapped, like a mouse caught in a cage with a predator. She wanted to run, but her body was tied and she was paralyzed with fear.

The moment she felt something oozing down her legs, her eyes widened in horror when she looked down and discovered she had just peed on herself. Hell, she should be embarrassed, but the situation in front of her didn't permit her to.

Riccardo didn't need anyone to tell him who had given Adriana the scars on her stomach if not for Ambra. He knew his brothers well, they'd never hit a woman on her chest or stomach. The moment he found Ambra in the room, he already knew her motive.

Ambra could feel the fear building up inside her when he walked closer. He walked round the pole before stopping right in front of her, holding a level gaze with her.

"You think you're so clever, don't you?" His voice was cold as his eyes bored into hers. Ambra shook her head. She struggled to speak, but her voice was hoarse from fear and exhaustion.

"You should have known better than to cross me, Ambra." As he continued to speak, his voice became low and menacing.

Before she could tell what was going on, she felt his hand gripped her neck tight, making it unable for her to breath. She tried to scream but nothing came out, she was at his mercy.

"I fucking warned you not to lay your hands on her! Because I've been lenient, you think I can't kill you?" Riccardo barked, his eyes shining with fury. The anger inside him resurfaced and the only thing he felt at that moment was to kill someone. The feeling was unbearable.

"I… I'm sorry, Don" Ambra managed to speak. Her eyes were red as she struggled vehemently to breath.

"Say that word again and I'll gouge your eyes out!" Hearing that warning, Ambra clamped her mouth shut.

To her relief, he released her neck and she inhaled air into her lungs greedily. The relief didn't last long when she saw him walking to where the dangerous tools were kept.

"Please…. Please," she whispered. From the corner of her eyes, she saw him pick out an ax before walking back to her.

"Which hand did you use to touch my woman?" He asked in a calm voice. Typical of Riccardo Moretti, always acting calm during crucial moments.

There was no response. She couldn't say a word, she knew him better than anyone else.

"I believe I'm not talking to a deaf person, am I?" His harsh voice forcefully opened her mouth and she found herself speaking.

"My right," she trembled. Riccardo nodded before closing the short gap between them. Since her body was tied, she never had the chance to fight back when he got a hold of her right hand.

"Please don't do this, it was my mistake," tears flooded her eyes when he pressed her hand against the pole she was tied to.

"I'll do better, I promise. I'll serve you for the rest of my life, I'll never hurt her again, please don't do this," she pledged in tears.

Her eyes went shut when he raised her hand, bracing herself for the worst. When she heard the ax thrusting into something, making a loud sound, a loud scream left her lips.

Expecting to feel pain and blood gushing out of her hand, her tears grew louder. But strangely, she felt none. Her fingers were still intact.

Slowly, she opened her eyes to find him already far away from her. He stared down at her wet dress before casting a disgusting stare at her.

"That's not gonna be fun," he said. "A slow torture is the sweetest, right? That's what you've always loved to do," he added. Ambra shook her head but he only turned and left the room.

A sob escaped her lips. This just confirmed her fears and confusion. Adriana wasn't just Riccardo's ex, if she was, he wouldn't have brought her to the clan and made her stay in his room. She was someone close to his heart.

Her peaceful moment was short-lived when the door opened again. But this time, it was Vito and Carson, another mobster who entered.

"Are you here to save me?" She asked, a hopeful smile forming on her face. Carson scoffed before going to pick the longest and strong whip, then he walked back to her. Vito did the same also.

"What… what are you doing?" Ambra stuttered.

"Don's order," Carson smirked before landing a hot whip on her chest. An agonizing scream left Ambra's lips, the pain shooting deep into her system. Was this what Adriana went through in her hands and for three days?juh

Carson had always hated Ambra due to some incident that occured between them a few months back. He held a grudge against her and this moment seemed like a blessing in disguise for him as he was finally able to get back at her.


Riccardo returned to the room and Emelio immediately stood up.

"You need to tell us what's wrong with our Mommy, Rick. We've called her names numerous times but she wouldn't even move," he muttered. Riccardo exhaled shortly and went to meet him. He tried to touch him but Emelio slapped it off instantly.

"You haven't answered me," he frowned. Riccardo glanced at Adriana's sleeping figure, then his eyes darted towards Emiliano who was fast asleep, his hand holding Adriana's own tight.

"Your Mommy is going through a stage in her life, she'll be back on her feet soon. It's normal, I've experienced it before," he muttered. That statement was meant to be a lie, but in reality, it was the truth.

"How long is that gonna be? Three minutes? Ten minutes?" Emelio asked. Riccardo only sighed. He wasn't sure either.

The only thing he did that moment was pull Emelio into his arms who didn't resist him. He rubbed his back slowly and kissed his hair fondly.

"I just want to see my Mommy again, I missed her," Emelio whispered against his chest.

"Be patient," Riccardo was tempted to add the word "son" but he controlled himself.



A week had passed and yet Adriana wasn't awake. She was still on the bed with an oxygen pipe connected to her nose. The rise and fall of her chest was the only proof that she's still alive and breathing.

A lot had happened for the week that passed by. Riccardo had become more ruthless than ever. His brothers knew better than someone else that they had already touched his tail, and no matter how they tried, he never gave them a glance.

Presently, they were in the room with Emelio and Emiliano sitting by Adriana's side. That had been their routine for the one week they had been living in the clan. They'd always sit by her side, talk to Adriana's unconscious figure about how much they missed her. They'd even gist and laugh to themselves as though she could hear them. All these, Riccardo witnessed it all and he must say Adriana had raised them well.

He touched their hair fondly as they slept peacefully. Emelio rested his hair on Adriana's thighs while Emiliano held her hand tightly.

"I'm sorry you have to witness all this," Riccardo murmured, guilt prickling his heart slowly. If he knew this was going to happen, then he wouldn't have brought them to the clan.

"How long will it take before she wakes up? It's been so long," he recollected the conversation he had with Alvaro who had come to check up on Adriana moments ago.

"I really can't say, Don. We just have to hope for the best," was Alvaro's reply to him.

Hoping for the best was the right solution at hand, but Riccardo's patience was running out. He had tortured Ambra endlessly till he felt tired. She was only locked up but her meals were always sent to her daily.

Knowing the people behind Adriana's predicament were still safe and hearty with no bruises on their bodies made him boil with rage. Casting one more glance at Adriana, he marched out of the room.

On his way, he met Haunter and Poison. He had sent them on a mission two days back and they had just returned.

"Don," they bowed their heads in respect. He nodded briefly with his eyes still glowing with anger.

"How did it go?" He was straight to the point. Poison went forward and showed him the bag of money in his hand.

"Accomplished as always," he smiled. Riccardo was about to say something when he heard someone calling him behind.

"Rick! Rick!" He turned and saw the twins running to them. A thought crossed his mind and he instantly ran to meet them along the way.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Mommy?" He rushed, his eyes searching theirs.

"She moved! Her fingers moved!" Emelio rushed out in happiness. Riccardo's eyes widened and in a flash, he was running to the direction of the room.

"Wait… did you say Adriana is awake?" Haunter asked curiously. The next thing she saw was the twins throwing an annoying glance in her direction.

"Our Mommy has nothing to do with you! Busybody," they said in unison. Haunter clamped her mouth shut in embarrassment. Okay, these little devils are damn feisty.


Riccardo barged into the room to find Adriana already awake. The oxygen pipe was right beside her and she was struggling to sit up.

"Anna," he called slowly, taking long strides towards her. Adriana stopped what she was doing and glanced up at him.

The moment her eyes met his, Riccardo's heart bubbled in joy and he immediately closed the distance between them, cradling her body in a bone crushing embrace.

"I… I thought I lost you," he whispered, holding her tight as though she'd disappear any moment from now.

Adriana didn't move. Tears pooled her eyes when she remembered something, she spoke out in tears.

"I didn't kill her," she whispered, crying softly. "I didn't kill, Mum. I'm sincere," she cried in his arms.

Riccardo broke the hug and stared at her face, he gently wiped her tears with his thumb. "Don't say anything," he murmured.

Adriana shook her head as she cried. "They all hate me, you do too," her voice shook as she cried.

"I don't," her cries died down when she heard his words. Her teary brown eyes gazed into his as he continued speaking.

"I don't hate you, Anna. It was all a facade," his head rested on hers and Adriana felt nothing but to hold this man in her arms all day.

As she fantasized about the man before her, she was brought back to reality when she heard the voices she was least expecting.

"Mommy!!!" Her head snapped in the direction of the voices and she found her little boys before her.

Wait… Was this a hallucination of hers?