Provincial Cleanup (5)


[45,000,000 Lunans]


It's enough to run a territory, but it's extremely scarce when considering that I need to raise an army for future wars.

It costs money just to conscript people in the game and there are restrictions on conscription.

If the population of the territory is small, to begin with, it is impossible to increase the number of conscripts.

If I build a livable territory, word will spread and the population will flow in, so I need to cultivate farmland even if I have to spend a lot of money.

Of course, the money added now will help a lot.

Because what the territory needs the most right now is troops.

After the battle with the Visigoth Kingdom, the number of troops was quickly reduced.

The current size of the territory's army is about 3,000 men.

It is completely insufficient to defend the territory.


[Do you wish to conduct a draft?]

[Current draft limit: 15,000 men]


First, I activated the system to check the cost of conscription.

Then, I set the number of conscripts to 1000.


[Use 2,000,000 Lunans]


If 1,000 people cost 2 million Lunans, 10,000 people cost 20 million Lunans.

I knew it would cost a fortune.

But this was money that should be invested.

To build an elite army, I would need at least 10,000 men.

Considering the money I have now and the limitations of the population, a realistic number would be exactly 10,000.

However, the moment I draft people, the people's spirit will go down. I have to be prepared for that, recruit to heavily and they'll rebell instantly.


"Yes, my lord!"

"The invasion of the Visigoth Kingdom requires an unavoidable increase in our forces."

"I agree, my lord."

Haddin nodded.

"I'm thinking of drafting about ten thousand men, and I'd like you to train them."

"10,000 men all of a sudden?"

"We have enough provisions from the property we seized here. Our priority is to protect this territory somehow. We can't let our people become slaves of the Visigoth Kingdom, can we?"

"Of course. If you leave it to me...I will build a strong army even if I have to sacrifice myself! So let's go to...which is what I said before I was relieved of my command...."

I was about to say something when Haddin suddenly fell silent and started to look at me.

He seemed to think that he had wasted his time talking.

With his command ability, he can deal with leading an additional 10,000 men.

"Good, I'll leave it to you. Gather 10,000 soldiers immediately and make sure they are thoroughly trained. The same goes for the training of the 3,000 men who are the original Provincial Army!"

"Yes, my lord!"


[Do you wish to use 20,000,000 Lunans?]

[Aquitania provincial army strength increased with +10000]

[Provincial army's training level reduced to 10]

[The morale of the territory's army has been reduced to 20]

[The people's spirit has been reduced to 20]


As such, the entire army numbered 13,000.

The somewhat rising people's spirits dropped all at once.

This was inevitable because of the sudden large-scale recruitment, no matter how much war there was with the Visigoth Kingdom.

The sudden rise in people's spirit was probably due to the hope that the war had been prevented, and even more so because it didn't change the way people looked at the villainous lord.

Furthermore, in an instant, the territory's funds were cut in half.

Huh.....Money is still important in this world.

It's very important, but I can't remain as a corrupt lord.

If the tax rate is adjusted to 50% again, the source of funds will also be reduced.

It's good that I got rid of Baron Bord, but I still have a lot of problems.

On top of that, there was the matter of raising the people's spirit.


In fact, 10,000 people is a small number for the unification of the world, but I have to be satisfied with this for now.

There are various restrictions.

I don't have enough people to begin with, so even if I wanted to increase the population, it wouldn't be possible.

The current population of Aquitania is not that large because of the dangers of borders.

So there are more than one or two things I need to do to achieve world domination.

I don't know where to start.

I don't have enough human resources, money, or levels.

In order to raise my territory, I need to raise my level first.

There is so much to do.

Since there is no set route, it is even more difficult to find an answer.

I returned to the lord's castle in a daze and immediately headed for my bedroom.

I had been so busy moving around all night that I was sure I would fall asleep as soon as I lay down.

At that moment, however, the chamberlain who had been walking behind me suddenly came out in front of me and got down on his knees.


The chamberlain took an unexpected action. Why is he suddenly on his knees?