Caught in a trap (2)

Apparently, they were attacking the north gate instead of the south gate where I was standing.

The castle gates were attacked with a siege hammer.

As expected, the battle began in favor of the garrison forces of Linon Castle.

In this state, there was no way that Linon Castle would fall any time soon.

As I was thinking that the situation suddenly changed, cheers erupted at the west gate.

A battle suddenly broke out inside the castle, the enemy had concentrated their attack on the north gate and Hayna also deployed most of the troops there.

As a result, the number of troops at the west gate was quite small.

Under such circumstances, enemy soldiers suddenly broke into the castle!

The west gate was quickly occupied and the gate was opened.

The enemy forces are pouring in from inside the castle, or more precisely, the underground canal of Linon Castle!

They're trying to use the underground canals?


The entrance where the water flows into the castle is blocked with iron bars.

No one can come in, only water or fish can pass through.

If they tried to remove the bars they should've been discovered.

How the hell did this happen?

No, no way.

That's right.

When Hayna was absent from the castle!

What if they were working on it while she was away from the castle?

The surprise attack I've always thought was strange.

It was a decoy!

The reconnaissance team was sent through the detour route in a careless manner.

That reconnaissance team was also a decoy.

Not only the reconnaissance team, but also the surprise attack itself was a decoy.

The real goal was to get the chief of staff, Hayna, who was worried by the surprise attack, to leave Linon Castle.

Did they try to infiltrate the castle while the chief of staff was away?

An army with a training level of 40 and a morale of not even 30.

What if Hayna would've left the castle with a large number of soldiers?

In the meantime, what if they've developed some kind of trick to break through the bars of the underground canal and get in?

It was a mistake for Hayna to leave the castle.

Even though the gates of Linon Castle were tightly closed, the moment the chief of staff took out all the commanding officers, it meant that the enemy had already infiltrated.

Come to think of it, that decoy mission started with Aquitania, a strategy to attract attention by attacking Aquitania and actually invade from the north.

They used something similar here.

This was all a plot concocted by the strategists of the Visigoth Kingdom army.

It seems that our chief of staff, Hayna, is in the palm of their hand.

It seems that the Visigoth Kingdom has a very good strategist.

A strategist who is intelligent enough to use Hayna as a pawn!

All right.

I'll change the course of history.

I didn't know how to bring down Linon Castle, but I already had a strategy in place to get it back.

A strategy like the Trojan Horse in Greek mythology.

With my mind made up, I went back to my cell.


-Back in time a few days-

"Take this gold, you were informed of your mother's condition after the war broke out, and you couldn't go see her, so you don't know the details. There was no one to buy her medicine during this time so if you're going to the desert, do your best to come back."

Yusen looked at the gold that Julius gave him.

It was money for his mother's medicine.

With the war going on, it was difficult to get medicine.

In fact, Yusen's mother had almost died because she could not get medicine.

In addition, Julius gave him a vassal certificate of the Aquitania House.

This meant that he could use it to obtain the medicine in the capital.

With the name of a noble family, he could obtain medicine that was not available to the general populace.

Yusen could not refuse the kindness, because the life of his mother, who had raised him, alone, was at stake.

The gold he had given him and the vassal certificate had saved his mother's life.

In other words, for Yusen, Julius was a benefactor among benefactors who not only saved his life in battle, but also saved his mother's life.

It was only natural that he would give up his life to save such a benefactor.

Therefore, after Julius was taken to the prison of Linon Castle, he ran away from his unit as soon as he heard the news that the castle had been attacked.

There was a person following Yusen, it was Givens.

"Captain ...! Wait, please! You can't go in there by yourself!"

"Givens? Why did you leave the unit, too?"

"Orders from the commander?

What orders but the commanders been arrested

"Kuhk. I have an order for the captain. Here."

Givens chuckled and pulled a letter from his pocket.

"A letter from the commander. I've been following you to give you this."

Yusen was surprised and began to read the letter.

He was shocked as if he had been hit in the head with a hammer