Round 2 (3)

** Bonus Chapter **

Once more we hit our target thanks you all so very much for the PS.

Dont forget to also drop the book a review as well, getting sad seeing a 0 star being attached to this bit of work haha.

Enjoy!! :)


The moment Ganev was about to land, Yurasia attacked him!

Ganev swung his sword to block the attack, thanks to this he landed on the railing.

He did not have enough momentum, probably because he had changed the direction of his sword at the last minute to block Yurasia's attack.

"Attack him now! Don't let him create a gap!"

The soldiers rushed to Ganev at once, Zeff was at the head of the group and attacked Ganev with the [Nameless Sword].

Ganev's expression changed at the unexpected attack, and he focused on Zeff.

This was the moment I had been aiming for when Ganev was distracted by Zeff!

[Do you want to use Crush?]

With my power level now at 65, the power of [Crush] while using my Perk blade is a whopping 100!

I summoned Heavenly Demon Rain to use the skill that had reached the S-class.

In the midst of this, Ganev, who was fighting Zeff, suddenly sheathed his sword.

Zeff seized the opportunity and attacked him.

I also quickly activated [Crush].

Then, Ganev pulled out the sword from its scabbard activating a skill.

A powerful blade of light erupted and his power level instantly increased to 102.

I reflexively used [Invincible for 30 seconds] on Zeff to save him.

After offsetting Ganev's mana skill with [Invincible for 30 seconds], [Crush] would pierce his chest!

That was my plan; however, Ganev noticed [Crush] and twisted his body.

He changed the direction of the light blade that was pointing at Zeff and used it to parry my attack.

Because of the sudden change in direction, he couldn't repel [Crush].

As a result, my attack that flew at his chest was deflected and went through his shoulder.

The power of the skill he used was 102, if it had been a head-on collision, [Crush] would have been completely obliterated, fortunately, I was able to injure him.

Ganev lost one of his arms, at the same time he was pushed off the railing by the impact of my attack and fell off the castle wall!

In the midst of all this, Ganev pulled out the third of the four swords he had on his belt and swung it towards the ground.

The mana released from the sword created a repelling force which slowed down his falling speed.

As a result, Ganev succeeded in landing without getting hurt anymore.

Blood spurted out like a fountain from the mangled section of flesh where his arm had been severed, after he landed Bridget's soldiers rushed to his side.

This could be seen from a distance, and the signal of retreat began to sound in the enemy camp.

Too bad I couldn't kill him, but I did blow off one of his arms.

Judging from the amount of blood that he lost, it was not an injury from which he could recover quickly.

As the enemy retreated I checked the status of the armies.


[Allied forces 28,700]

[Bridget's Royal Army 30,110]


We won thanks to the advantage of the city wall.

The number of the enemy was greatly reduced, but there was little damage to our army.

"I can't believe he survived that."

Yurasia forgot the joy of victory when she saw that Ganev survived.

"I couldn't kill him, but this much is enough for my plans. Because this is where the real battle begins."

I emphasized my strategy once again so she won't lower her guard.

Yurasia nodded strongly at my words.

Today's victory was not a big deal, because this is where the real war begins.

The plan was to kill Ganev here, because it was obvious that the Bridget king would use him to attack the city walls.

We were unable to kill him, but the core of the enemy army was badly injured, so there should be no problem in implementing my strategy.

If we hesitate here, we will lose the opportunity to end this war sooner.

For this reason, I entrusted the royal capital to Yurasia as I had told her beforehand and I left the capital with the 1,000 cavalrymen I had prepared through the north gate, which was located on the opposite side of the south gate where the enemy was stationed.

The enemy will be able to grasp our movements through reconnaissance, but I don't care if they know, because it's already too late.

* * *

"How dare they attack our supply route?"

Bautor was unable to contain his anger at the report of the chief of staff.

His self-assured expression was a little gloomy.

It was no wonder that even the king had not eaten any food that day.

He ordered his men to search the surrounding fields, but they couldn't find any food nearby.

Still, if he sent his troops too far away they might get attacked by the enemy.

Eating the rice and wheat that had just started to grow green was no different from eating grass.

Rather, the unfamiliar food would just give them a stomachache.

"If we continue to send troops to resupply it will interfere with our ability to attack the capital!"

Just as Isenbahan, the chief of staff, said this with a troubled look on his face, a new report came in.

"What now?"

When Bautor raised his voice, Isenbahan hesitantly opened his mouth.

"That's...Even the iron cavalry we just sent to protect our supply route has...disappeared."

"Damn it!"

Bautor clenched his teeth and shouted.

But the more he did so, the hungrier he got.

"If this keeps happening why don't you send Pohorizen?"

"No, we can't. If we send him, he might eat up all our provisions to satisfy his hunger and the enemy might trick him into not coming back!"

Isenbahan listened to the king and was immediately convinced.

Pohorizen was not the right man for the mission because he pushed forward without thinking.

Weakness is a curse.

They were hungry and tried to attack, but there was no progress in the capture of the royal capital.

In fact, all of their siege weapons were burned today.

If the king starved for a day, it means that the average soldier starved for more than three days.

The lack of progress is a natural result.

Ganev, who had lost one of his arms, still hadn't woken up so Bautor could only be angry.

* * * * * * * * * *


[Allied forces 28,700]

[Bridget's Kingdom Army 30,110]
