Plotting The Takeover Of A Takeover!? (6)

"Hmm, isn't it better than the last village? You, you, and that child there will be taken to the royal castle. Hehe."

Manshak points with a sly smile.

Although I had expected it, I laughed at how typical it looked.

When Manshak finishes choosing his preferred women, he leaves his seat as if his business is done.

Then, the village chief stood up like he was on fire.

"Lord Manshak, I will give you as many agricultural products as you want. However, it is a cruel treatment to take away the women as well!"

It's not enough to just steal a small amount of food, it's unthinkable to take away such young girls.

Children were objects to be protected not to be exploited.

When the village chief leaned forward, the villagers also glared at Manshak indignantly and stood up in unison.

"Well, this village is no good. It's even more rebellious than the last one. I see, it's all because of you."

Manshak, perhaps annoyed by this attitude, grabbed his own sword and swung it at the village chief.

The sword cuts the village chief's chest from below.

And he sprinkled blood on the ground.

The village chief collapses from the blow.

"Village chief!!"

All the villagers shouted in shock, but Manshak said as he stomped on the writhing body of the village chief.

"You impertinent bastard. Get on your knees now. Do you want the village to burn down?"

"Hey, teme!"

Seeing none other than the village chief himself collapse, Gordon seemed to reinvigorated even as beaten and weak from bloodloss, rising up like an undead and proceeded to punch Manshak in the face.

However, once again, the soldiers' kicks hit Gorden after the initial blow landed.

And the soldiers brandished their swords this time.

Exactly at that time.

Eru village's public sentiment plummeted.

It became [3].

Public sentiment has dropped to 3 instead of 10.

Even 10 is enough to cause civil unrest.

In the game, if you lowered the popular sentiment to 10, a civil war would occur.

If that number were 3, there was nothing to say.

Yes, the time has come.

As if to prove this, the villagers rushed out en masse and brought out agricultural equipment from their homes.

There are even hoes, sickles, and clubs.

Merol was in the lead.

Gordon, furious at being kicked, also brings out the knife he had hidden in his dormitory.

The people in charge were bandits.

People's eyes turned towards the village chief who had been trampled on.

In the end, one or two villagers volunteered their names when the leader appeared.

Everyone looked angry.

A leader who was the spiritual pillar of the village and helped them overcome many adversities.

The villagers, who had been trying to comfort them by telling them that they would be fine for a while if they could get through this quota, completely lost their sense of reason when they saw the village chief collapse.

"Everyone! Let's take down the village chief's enemies!"

The villagers stood up in anger.

I was a little surprised.

Rebellion in a class-based society is really a last resort.

Either way, the result is often death.

The only people who could fight on equal terms were bandits like Gordon and Melol.

In fact, if things continue as they are, it is tantamount to genocide.


Manshak and his soldiers charge into the fray.

In any case, this is a situation that the farmers themselves created, not because of my instigation.

So I set out on my own.

I had no intention of causing any other victims.

I have Zeff protect Serena and Miri, and I'm the only one left anyway.

In any case, it succeeded in lowering public sentiment.

I wanted to avoid a situation where the village chief would be injured, but it happened so suddenly that I couldn't help it.

Meanwhile, Manshak was smiling lewdly as he touched the girl's body all over and played with her, while his blade was on her throat..

"What do you think? Isn't it an interesting sight? I won't kill you for four years. That's good. Hahahaha! Kill all the rest. You impertinent bastards. Burn down this village!"

As if to say that he wouldn't be satisfied if I didn't go that far, He gave the order and started laughing.

I started walking in front of such a manshak who was so filled with lust not paying attention to the bloodbath being generated around him.

"What are you! Aaarrrgghh!"

If a soldier were to attack me, I would naturally cut them down with a single sword slash.

Manshak, perhaps a little surprised to see me like that after hearing his mans scream aloud, blurts out something stupid.


The situation was so funny that I laughed.

"You're an idiot"

Manshak looked astonished at my words and shouted out loud.

"Get rid of this guy right away! Tear him to pieces and kill him! Who the hell does he think I am!"

Manshak didn't seem to have any desire to have a conversation to calm things down.

Well, I have no intention of doing that either.

The enemy soldiers who were attacking the villagers all looked at me.

Along with this, the villagers' eyes naturally turned to me.

"You went too far by putting your hands on the village chief. That alone is a death penalty."

When I say that, the villagers everywhere raise their voices.

"It seems so!"

"Well...well, the village chief...!"

"He was the only one who welcomed people like us. We were always rejected in other villages."

Gordon also agreed with my words and glared at Manshak.

However, he just snorts and says that Manshak is rubbish.

"Hey, you guys! What are you doing...?"

The villagers rebellion was getting organized, outnumbers the soldiers eyes began to swim,

Manshak could not believe the sight that spread before his eyes.

The soldiers who were attacking me died in the blink of an eye.

It was quite fast because I hit the [Attack] command the fastest.

As a last ditch effort he tried threatening to kill the girl underneath him if i didn't surrender but i just launched a quick air slash and both his hands were reaped in an instant.

Lastly kicking him in his big dumb face to get this bleeding idiot to dismount the village girl.

A manshak whose teeth are blown out and he falls end over end till he crashed into the chair they'd brought out for him.

I motioned for the girl who was being played with by him to run away, and then started defeating the remaining soldiers again.

"Get out of the way!!"

Soldiers attacked the villagers as they brought out agricultural equipment as weapons.

So there were no deaths yet, but Gorden was already fighting alone, and there were some injuries but luckily we had numbers on our side who could fill the gaps made by those who became injured.

Since there was no need to buy time, I decapitated the soldier who was fighting Gordon.

In less than 30 minutes, the 30 soldiers accompanying Manshak fell down dead in the dirt, and Manshak was left alone where he still lie after losing his hands and being sent sailing from my kick.

"Well, if this happens...I'll have to let you die."

"What are you...!"

The bastard having awoken after i stomped on his head once, tried to question why i was attacking him.

A manshak with a face that looks like a monster and blood poured from his mouth, and swelling causing most of his face to puff up in various shades.

He tried to crawl away, but couldn't get very far.

Striding up to stand next to the waiIing man my sword decensed and i completely decapitated the manshak for even more dramatic effect, being watched by every villager as i took this nobles life, this son of the new king... A prince.

Then i shook off the blood on my sword and rushed to the village chief.

Fortunately, there were no fatal injuries.

This is probably because Manshak's power level was only 23.

"The village chief is still alive! Merol, climb the mountain right away and bring Serena!"

Merol ran away in a daze at my words.

Serena eventually returned moments later and began checking on the village chief's condition.

"It's okay. I think you're safe. Of course, you'll need some herbs, and time to rest."

That was good news.

"Can you survive?"

"I won't know until I try...I'll do my best! For My Lady"

He managed to just barely get out the last of his words before passing out.

Serena nodded towards me and the villagers put their hands together and breathed a sigh of relief, while some still looked at Serena pondering the village chiefs final words.

I left Serena in charge of the village chief and called Gordon and Merol.

"I'm angry that the village chief was almost killed, but what are we going to do about it? I Didn't think about them sending a subjugation force at us even if we complied?"

"Oh, that's..."

Merol, who took the lead, stuttered.

"Besides, who the hell are you? Why are you so strong!"

Merol asked.

At this moment, surprise was more dominant than anger.

"It doesn't matter now! We'll discuss it after the village chief wakes up. For now we need to deal with these bodies, and take stock of our new weapons and armour."

In the end, Serena's efforts saved the village chief's life.

However, his wounds were deep and he could not wake up.

All the villagers gathered at the warehouse because it was as if the village had a big problem to worry about.

"Do you want to die at the hands of the rebel army? If you really did think so you'dve fought against them before? What on earth are you thinking?"

Yes, I wanted to hang out there.

It wasn't my plan to spill blood like this.

It's true that I took advantage of this situation, but it wasn't the way I wanted it to be.

The plan was that by enduring it here, their anger would suddenly cause major civil unrest leading to a natural revolution.

However, things didn't go as planned in this world.

"Not only food, but also women... and taking away children too... Well, even if I could stand it that far, I couldn't stand it when they trampled on the village chief."

"That's right. You said it too. It was a mistake for them to put their hands on the village chief. That bastard I'm glad he's dead."

Gordon and Merol spoke at the same time, but I shook my head.

"I'm not blaming you for letting that happen even i could not react fast enough to stop it. It's just what are you going to do from now on. Are you going to die like this?"

"That's true… But even if I were to run away, where should I run?"

"That's right..."

The villagers looked at each other and slurred their words.

Do they realize that this is a situation that cannot be helped?

Afterwards, I sent Zeff out to investigate and found that about three nearby villages had burned to the ground.

The brutality of Manshak's brutality was not only directed at this village, but also caused a backlash in other areas.

If parents are parents, children are children too.

This made it easier to recruit volunteers.

The sentiment of the people of Eru Village is [3].

And the public sentiment in the entire royal capital was [8].

Using the collection of this tax as an excuse, Manshak caused a stir in the villages, causing a sudden drop in public sentiment.

It's only natural when he tried to touch young children and married women.

That anger has no choice but to be directed directly at Rushak.

"We've buried all the bodies, but they'll probably come right away to look for them. They'll start destroying the remaining nearby villages, killing them like lice. They went to gather crops and haven't come back, so they're blaming the villages for it. It will come. For sure"

"You know how to write, and you're the smartest among the villagers. Is there a way to do it? Besides, you... you're strong enough, aren't you? Why on earth did you come to this village?"

"I talked to the village chief about that, but... there are various circumstances."

Then I asked Gordon again.

"Gorden, how happy were you when you were able to live a normal life as a farmer thanks to the village chief? Was it any different from your life as a bandit? That's if the harvest turned out to be edible.''

"Oh? Why do you know that?"

Gordon is surprised by the word bandit.

But I quickly continued.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Whether we're bandits or defeated soldiers or even survivors from other villages, we're all from the same village now. We're all friends in a crisis together. we're all fighting against the same tyranny."

"That's true..."

I looked around at the faces of the villagers and they all nodded.

It probably means that you agree with my words.

The villagers were already united because of their shared life and death, and their origins were not important.

There was a sense of camaraderie that transcended that.

And now it was time to drop the biggest inciting factor we had.

"Thank you Loyal subject of Carthage, it moves my heart to know even with the King dead at the hands of traitors his loyal subjects love this land enough to rise up in revolt of those who seek to plunge our lands into darkness"

Enter Serena, dressed not in her villager clothes but in her dress from when she was still Queen of Carthage